🐻 If you have something weighing on your mind, don’t think too deeply. Just do what your heart tells you to do, like those branches that go whichever way. Eventually, you’ll become as naturally beautiful and eye-catching as that vase. #V #BTS_BE #Curated_for_ARMY
#BTS】 ★UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE予約限定特典あり!★ 2020年11月20日(金)に韓国にて発売のBTS『BE (Deluxe Edition)』をUNIVERSAL MUSIC STOREにて、本日より予約受付中! smarturl.it/pdcv1112 ※なお、既にご予約済の方も、特典は付きます! #BTS_BE
#BTS の手書き✍を活用した BE ALBUM 公式商品をチェック! 「LIFE GOES ON」のレタリング入りのTシャツや、 美しい歌詞が書かれた穏やかな香りのするろうそくなどを、 本日より #WeverseShop にてご予約購入いただけます。 GLOBAL👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/818f0ba6 USA👉weverseshop.onelink.me/BZSY/866ad8a4 #BTS_BE
🐰A speaker can fill a whole room with music. It can even amplify your emotions. Why don’t you listen to music with this speaker and really get in touch with your emotions? What song is playing on these speakers in your imagination? #JUNGKOOK #BTS_BE #Curated_for_ARMY
☁️⬇️ Comenta tu captura haciendo stream al Teaser 1 de ‘Life goes on’ Link: youtu.be/Wq5S8Dt_HQE #LifeGoesOn #BTS_BE @BTS_twt
🐹It’s an instrument that resonates with many, & someday I hope to play a song that can resonate in ARMY’s hearts. I think of our I NEED U days whenever I think about piano. I don’t really know why. I think the piano makes you recall fond memories. #JIN #BTS_BE #Curated_for_ARMY
The world is already shaking for KIM TAEHYUNG after his #BTS_BE Concept Photo. #Curated_By_BTS #뷔 @BTS_twt
🐿A pleasant memory may fade overtime, but just a whiff of a scent from way back then brings it back like it was yesterday. So I put in perfume that’ll make the beautiful memories of BTS & ARMY come alive once again. #JHOPE #BTS_BE #Curated_for_ARMY
#BTS】最新作『BE (Deluxe Edition)』ストア特典決定! 詳しくは→ smarturl.it/pdcv1112 #BTS_BE
🐻When working on music, I’ve found that the same song can give a dramatically different feel depending on how you listen to it. It’d be even better if you can listen with someone else. Listening to the same song together is like sharing emotions. #V #BTS_BE #Curated_for_ARMY
#BTS (@bts_bighit ) NEWアルバム "#BE" が、配信スタート🎉 🎬メンバーが楽曲やビジュアルの制作にも携わり、 全世界のファンと一緒に作った待望のアルバム🌏💖 コロナによって変わってしまった世界の中でも 変わることはない彼らの思いをお届けします🌈✨ #BTS_BEplayer.utapass.auone.jp/share/playlist…
《 再配布 》 彼氏風 ポラロイドセット 全63種🥺💡 沢山の再配布希望ありがとうございました😭 . 可愛くてかっこよくて恋人みたいな写真ばかりです🤤♡ FamilyMart/Lawson 対応 〜4.4 ・フォロー ・リツイート ・リプ(メンバー指定必要🙅🏻‍♀️) #BTS #BTS_BE #BTS加工 [ #ucha_picsᙏ̤̫͚ෆ̈ ]
201120 BE リリース記念記者会見 #BETODAY #BTS_BE RM🐨: “そうしてすべての人々との信頼と関係が、結局は僕を挫折から抜け出させてくれて、生きていく力になるのだと思います。”
6 อัลบั้มของ @BTS_twt ที่ครองอันดับ 1 #Billboard200 - Love Yourself 轉 ‘Tear’ - Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’ - #MOTS_PERSONA - #MOST7 - #BTS_BE - #BTS_Proof
#JUNGKOOK got 11 trends on Korea now after #BTS_BE concept photo released. 🇰🇷한국 실트 11개😃👍 13 스틸윗유 15 위로와 즐거움 16 우리 정구기 17 우리 정국 17 방의 큐레이터 17 조명 하나 18 큐레이터 20 오신 여러분 21 이번 컨포 27 정국오빠 30 특별한 의미 #방탄소년단정국 #정국
🐰🐨 #BTS_BE
【BTS】#BTS 最新作『BE (Essential Edition)』ストア別購入特典絵柄公開! 詳しくはこちら→ ・Essential Edition⇒ smarturl.it/pdcv1121 ・Deluxe Edition + Essential Edition セット⇒ smarturl.it/d2ce7759 #BTS_BE
1, 2번 중 선택해주세요! Please select 1 or 2! 1・2番の中から選んでください! #BTS_BE #LifeGoesOn #BTS_Telepathy #잠시
🎧 Life Goes On 음원&뮤비 스밍 이벤트 - 참여방법: RT+스밍인증 - 기간: ~11/25 정국시 발표 ✔️음원플랫폼 모두 가능 ✔️상단 시간과 노래 시작과 끝 캡쳐첨부 ✔️트위터 아이디 기재 아래 예시를 참고해주세요. 추첨을 통해 총 20분께 랜덤굿즈 박스를 보내드립니다.💜 #BTS_BE #LifeGoesOn #정국