Season 5 of "Taiwan Revealed," our documentary series with @Discovery, is lock & loaded for launch Oct. 11, 22:00, #Taiwan🇹🇼 time in #Asia. The 7 stories are mandatory viewing for those looking to learn more about the country's muscular #SciTech prowess. ➡️
#Taiwan again performs BEST in #Asia & among the top in the world! #Freedom, on the net or otherwise, allows our country to shine like a beacon & serve as a source of hope for those in China trapped in the darkness of digital authoritarianism & ultranationalistic netizens. JW…
HK police starts to use Chinese-made tear gas & 2 official documents disclosed about chi-standard of the specification, testing method, the number & wordings on the shell, etc. Links on the next thread. Details on our tg channel: HKGETV #HongKongPolice #StandWithHK #HKPF #Asia
華金の朝に グモニーじゃー↗︎🐓🍥 (𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜) 今日も😊宜しくお願いしまーす✌️ 🌸桜舞い散る前に 見に行きたーい笑 出陣じゃー⤴︎🚘 #Asia #Philippine #JAPAN
秦基博さんの鱗をJeity &齊藤真生さんがコラボしてcover! 2人の魅力的なハモリを是非YouTubeでご視聴ください‼️ Jeity & Mao Saito collaborate to cover Motohiro Hata's 「鱗」! ▼Please check the two fascinating voices on YouTube! ️ #Asia #Jeity #齊藤真生 #秦基博
藤井風さんの【旅路】coverしました‼️ 自然に優しく歌うJeityの歌声を是非お楽しみください。 ▼ご視聴はこちら ▼6/7には城田純さんの配信ライブに出演… ▼6/12は#じぇいずばー #藤井風 #旅路 #jeity #coversong #Asia
#WorldRefugeeDay is a time to remember #EveryActionCounts. Watch our touching short "#Taiwan Story-Together Stronger" & see how #TaiwanCanHelp create a more just, equal & inclusive world. We're proud to be making a difference in #Africa & #Asia via 450 programs in 60+ countries.
新しいホンダCMソング【藤井風さんの〝きらり”】を Coverしました。 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ JeityのVelvet voiceをお楽しみください。 ▼ご視聴はこちらから #藤井風 #japanese #Asia #ホンダcm #jeity #きらり
グモニーじゃー↗︎🐓🍥 (𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜) 今日も😊宜しくお願いしまーす✌️ GWしてますかー 接者はPhilippineしてまーす笑 #Asia #Philippine #JAPAN
2020 is no annus mirabilis. But for #Taiwan🇹🇼, year-end brings some bright economic news. The country remains the 3rd-best investment destination after #Switzerland🇨🇭 & #Norway🇳🇴 globally & best in #Asia as per the latest report by @BERISA_1966. Read more➡️
Taiwan's #Tourism industry is in the winners' circle! The latest survey by respected zine @GTmag ranks #Taipei as the No. 1 leisure destination in #Asia for the 3rd straight year, #Taiwan No. 2 for international adventure travel & @taoyuanairport No. 4 for layovers. Read more🔽…
Jeityはこんな人。Vol,3 ▶︎entertainer ▼妖艶な声を自在に操るentertainer BAEKHYUNのLoveAgainを日本語でcoverしました。 おそらく日本初。 企画力もentertainerです。 是非Jeity official channelをのぞいてみてください。 #Asia #jeity #baekhyun #loveagain
At today’s meeting with @IRIglobal President @DCTwining & #Asia Director @johannakao, our discussions centred on the challenges #disinformation poses to democracies like #Taiwan & the #US, as well as how we can work with organizations like IRI to address these challenges.
#Taiwan🇹🇼 is a fortress of freedom. Just ask @CatoInstitute & @FraserInstitute. The country rose to 19th on the 162-strong #HFI & is the 3rd most free in East #Asia. Its 8.42 score tops the 6.93 average & helps earn the accolade of 4th biggest gainer in human freedom since 2008!…
Thanks, @TheEIU, for recognizing #Taiwan as a full democracy ranked 8th in the world & the top country in #Asia. Make no mistake! We're not the same color as or part of #Communist #China, which is entitled THE challenge. JW…
#Taiwan ranks 3rd in #Asia & 25th globally as per the latest @HappinessRpt. Top results were achieved in freedom, social support & life expectancy! @UNSDSN, want to know how to make Taiwan happier? Please use its proper name. Read more via @Taiwan_Today:…
関ジャニ∞の「ひとりじゃないよ」をcoverしました! 是非YouTube channel【Jeityはノーブルマン。】でご視聴ください! ▼Click here for Jeity's singing voice #関ジャニ #ひとりじゃないよ #Jeity #cover #Asia
2023/05/01 7:21:16Philippineから グモニーじゃー↗︎🐓🍥 (𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜) 5月も😊宜しくお願いしまーす✌️ #Asia #Philippine #JAPAN