From a woman in #Afghanistan to the people of #Iran: "I am amazed by the brave men of your society who stood by your side to claim your rights ... Continue fighting, stronger and more powerful, you are very close to victory." #AfghanWomen #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranProtests
Friday’s suicide attack in #Afghanistan killed and wounded students - majority were young women. The perpetrators must be held to account. All Afghans, REGARDLESS of ethnicity or gender, must have safe access to education. Statement from @unwomenchief: unwo.men/rjGu50L0pZP
Education is a FUNDAMENTAL right. 'I urge the de facto authorities to take immediate action to protect the full rights of Afghan women & girls & to hold perpetrators to account in line with international standards.' #Afghanistan @unwomenchief statement: unwo.men/pwIr50L4RXH
🇦🇫#タリバン が🇯🇵#中村哲 さんの功績を賞賛、襲撃現場近くに広場が完成 #アフガニスタン 東部ジャララバードで2019年12月に殺害された医師の中村哲さん(当時73)の功績をたたえようと、襲撃現場からほど近い道路周辺に「ナカムラ」と名付けた広場が完成しました。 #Afghanistan
'I used to have a job, I used to study … Unfortunately, all this is now gone.' - Shiwa, activist. We spoke to Afghan women about the situation in #Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover in 2021. This is what they had to say. RT to amplify their voices.
“A world free of violence will be a healthy, successful and stable society,” says Malalay, an Afghan lawyer and activist working to support and restore the rights of women & girls affected by family & social violence. Read her story: unwo.men/IpkS50LQpRq #16Days #Afghanistan
Education is both a right and an investment in a country’s future. All women and girls must be able to resume their education in #Afghanistan.
To end women’s higher education is to ignore their historical contributions and sever them from their future potential. The right to education for all women and girls must be restored immediately. 👉 Read @unwomenchief statement on #Afghanistan: unwo.men/6zgj50M9Q9r
The decree barring women from working in non-governmental NGOs is yet another stark violation of women’s rights. We strongly condemn this without reservation & stand in full solidarity with the women & girls of #Afghanistan. Read @unwomenchief statement: unwo.men/x21q50McY1b
There can be no greater catastrophe in the face of humanitarian crisis than to remove the contribution of half the population in navigating #Afghanistan ’s daunting challenges. We strongly condemn this without reservation. Read @unwomenchief statement: unwo.men/vRVl50MeoIc
We have removed from access the official Afghanistan army site affiliated with the terrorist Taliban. >> mod.gov.af Down ما وبسایت رسمی نیرو های نظامی افغانستان که به طالبان وابسته بودن رو از دسترس خارج کردیم #OpTaliban #Afghanistan #Anonymous
In barring women from contributing to the efforts of aid organizations, the Taliban has suspended aid for half the population of #Afghanistan, aid without which they will not survive. This is relentless misogyny, a virulent attack on women, their contribution, freedom and voice.
Prince Harry in a book said that he killed 25 people in #Afghanistan and that using an Apache attack helicopter’s weapons were a “joy” because he loves playing Xbox, PlayStation video games.  @MintPressNews
Hosted my brother @Amirabdolahian, FM of #Iran. Assessed our relations from trade to tourism & energy, from fight against terrorism to consular matters. Discussed regional developments, including #Syria, #Iraq, #Palestine & #Afghanistan. 🇹🇷🇮🇷
Held the 2nd Ministerial Meeting of 🇹🇷-🇺🇸 Strategic Mechanism. Economy, energy, defense industry, counter-terrorism & consular matters were on our agenda. Discussed also developments in #Ukraine, #Syria, #Afghanistan and #NATOEnlargement.
#Türkevi’mizde #Endonezya Dışişleri Bakanı’nı ağırladık. #Afganistan başta olmak üzere bölgesel gelişmeleri ele aldık. Hosted FM @Menlu_RI of #Indonesia at #TurkishHouse. Discussed #Afghanistan & other regional developments.🇹🇷🇮🇩
Women and girls in #Afghanistan refuse to be erased from public life. @unwomenchief and @AminaJMohammed were on the ground to hear directly from NGOs and Afghan women. They also met with the de facto authorities asking them to uphold human rights. unwo.men/2ilg50MwJ8m
UN Women stands with all Afghan women & girls. We will amplify their voices as they call for a reversal of restrictions on their rights to study, work and move freely. Read about @unwomenchief's visit to #Afghanistan.👇 unwo.men/o2QU50Mx3nt
🚨 RUMOR: #Putin is negotiating with #Taliban on the purchase of coalition military equipment that was left behind in #Afghanistan as a result of the United States' hasty withdrawal in 2021 for use in the war against #Ukraine. $7.12B in aircraft, vehicles, weapons + munitions. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…