#DPRK 1950, #Cuba 1961, #Vietnam 1961, #Panama 1989, #Iraq 1991/ 2003, #Yugoslavia 1999, #Afghanistan 2001, #Syria 2011 ... Red Star Belgrade fans held banners recounting #US/#NATO invasions/overthrow of 20+ countries/govts. But All Quiet in Western Media.
As US-waged wars in #Iraq, #Syria, #Afghanistan & other places have caused 330,000 civilian deaths & turned over 26 million people into refugees, the US should sincerely beseech the intl community to forgive it, rather than lecture others on human rights in a condescending manner
Education is both a right and an investment in a country’s future. All women and girls must be able to resume their education in #Afghanistan.
When #US invaded a sovereign country like #Iraq or #Afghanistan and killed civilians including women and children, it's "collateral damage" rather than a "war crime".
China's Fifth batch of food assistance to #Afghanistan has been distributed.
Güne #Katar DB kardeşim @MBA_AlThani_ ile #Afganistan'daki gelişmeleri ve ikili ilişkilerimizi görüşerek başladık. 🇹🇷 🇶🇦 Started the day by discussing developments in #Afghanistan and our bilateral relations with my brother @MBA_AlThani_, FM of #Qatar. 🇹🇷🇶🇦
İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı’nın #Afganistan konulu Dışişleri Bakanları Toplantısına katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere kardeş #Pakistan'dayız. In brotherly Pakistan to attend the Meeting of the @OIC_OCI Council of FMs on #Afghanistan & to hold bilaterals. 🇹🇷🇵🇰
ABD ve Almanya’nın düzenlediği video konferansta #Afganistan’daki siyasi gelişmelere ve giderek büyüyen insani krize dair görüşlerimizi paylaştık. At VTC organized by Germany & the US, shared our views on the political developments & growing humanitarian crisis in #Afghanistan.
#Afganistan konulu G7 Dışişleri Bakanları toplantısına katılarak görüş ve değerlendirmelerimizi paylaştık. Attended G7 Foreign Ministers meeting on #Afghanistan and shared our views.
From a woman in #Afghanistan to the people of #Iran: "I am amazed by the brave men of your society who stood by your side to claim your rights ... Continue fighting, stronger and more powerful, you are very close to victory." #AfghanWomen #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranProtests
Does anyone still remember the more than 100,000 civilians (many of them children) who were killed by #US bullets and bombs in #Afghanistan? Or the 39 Afghan non-combatants murdered by #Australian troops?
Talked to Foreign Minister of #Pakistan, my brother @SMQureshiPTI. Grateful to brotherly Pakistan for their support and cooperation in bringing Turkish citizens back from #Afghanistan. 🇹🇷🇵🇰
#Afganistan’a ilişkin gelişmelerin ele alındığı #NATO Dışişleri Bakanları VTC Toplantısına katıldık. Attended the @NATO Foreign Ministers VTC Meeting on #Afghanistan.
More than a tinge of racism. Is this why #USA/#NATO bombed #Iraq, #Syria & #Afghanistan... and caused massive loss of life there without a guilty conscience?
Education is a human right. Let all girls go to school. #Afghanistan
The #US and #NATO are in no position to judge any country, ostensibly on the moral high ground, unless they apologize and compensate for the damage and sufferings they imposed on the people in #Yugoslavia, #Iraq, #Syria and #Afghanistan ...
#US sanctions target not just #Russia. 20 years after the start of the war in #Afghanistan, the US still seizes billions of dollars owned by the impoverished Afghan people which is life-saving money. Is there any difference between US behavior and mass murder?
BM'nin düzenlediği “Afganistan’daki Durum” konulu çevrimiçi Bakanlar toplantısında #Afganistan'a insani yardımın önemini vurguladık. Emphasized importance of assisting #Afghanistan at the VTC Ministerial on the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan organized by the @UN.
People saw this in 1975 in #Vietnam. And now see it in #Afghanistan.
Similar transport planes, different missions in #Afghanistan
Görevine yeni başlayan #Afganistan'ın Ankara Büyükelçisi Amir Ramin'e başarılar diliyorum. Wished success during his tenure to @AmirMRamin, newly appointed Ambassador of #Afghanistan in Ankara.
#Almanya DB Heiko Maas'la #Afganistan’daki son gelişmeleri ele aldık. Wir haben mit #Deutschlands Bundesaußenminister @HeikoMaas die jüngsten Entwicklungen in #Afghanistan beraten. 🇹🇷🇩🇪
Congratulations to Ms. Humaira Rasuli, winner of this year's @TFDemocracy Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award. Your leadership in advancing women's rights & legal reform in #Afghanistan inspires us in our regional & global efforts to address human rights issues. twitter.com/TFDemocracy/st…
欧州議会アイルランド代表のミック・ウォーレス議員による爆弾発言、もういっちょ。 "国際社会"が無視し続けている米国・NATOがアフガンにしてきた事実をズバリ💥 #NATOCrimes #Afghanistan
İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Toplantısı marjında #Afganistan Dışişleri Bakan Vekili Muttaki ile Afganistan’daki güncel durumu ele aldık. Discussed current situation in #Afghanistan w/Acting FM Emir Khan Muttaqi of Afghanistan on the sidelines of @OIC_OCI Foreign Ministers Meeting.