After reading out statement of 14 pro-democracy DCers demanding the disband of #HongKongPolice & reiterating #5DemandsNot1Less of the anti-Govt movement, new Central & Western DC chair Cheng Lai-king led councillors to observe a moment of silence for those who died in movement
The demonstrators rise as the #HongKongProtests anthem Glory for #HongKong was being played, holding up a hand to express their #5DemandsNot1Less towards the Govt
Summer to winter & back: A year of #HKProtests in 20 photos Phase 1: Massive street protests 1. 6/12: 1st tear gas fired, Extradition Bill expected to pass 2. 6/15 Mr Leung jumped off a building after listing #5DemandsNot1Less 3. 6/16 2M ppl marched 4. 7/1 Occupation of #LegCo
#Hongkongers come together to remember #LeungLingKit, who jumped off a building on 2019-06-15 to protest the #ExtraditionBill, the first death of the #HKProtests. We fight on because we remember. #5DemandsNot1Less
WATCH: #HongKongPolice have warned people of violating #NationalSecurityLaw by chanting the #AntiELAB slogan, #5DemandsNot1Less. This happened in Kowloon Bay this afternoon when People Power’s Tam Tak-chi was giving out face masks there 15:25 of video: facebook.com/76706787337116…
[Cherrypicking evidence for #speechcrimes] 1. Hours after #Carrielam’s #freespeech assurance, #HKpolice charges #HK activist #TamTakChi on “uttering seditious words” just because he chanted slogans like “#5DemandsNot1Less”, “revolt” etc. Worse still, Tam's bail bid was banned.
4. Under #nationalsecuritylaw, now even slogans #5DemandsNot1Less” and “resist” can be cherrypicked as evidence for #speechcrime, let alone pro-democracy activists being tailed by unknown agents for months, and #police starting to rewrite history to justify further crackdowns.
4. In contrast, activists like #TamTakChi are charged sedition and denied bail just because they chanted slogans like “#5DemandsNot1Less” and blasted #HKgov and #hkpolicebrutality with critical voices.