I want to take a moment to thank all of the manufacturers who are working hard to keep the people of #Taiwan safe from #2019nCoV. We are continually striving to increase production capacity for face masks to ensure better protection for those who need it most.
I want to thank our allies & like-minded friends from around the world for courageously speaking up for the necessity of #Taiwan’s participation in the @WHO. Disease knows no borders, & we must be able to freely share information to stop the spread of #2019nCoV.
I want to thank the representatives from #Eswatini, #Paraguay, & #Guatemala for taking a stand for global health & safety by supporting #Taiwan’s @WHO participation & highlighting ways that #TaiwanCanHelp combat the spread of #2019nCoV.
Pleased to personally thank European Chamber (ECCT) Chair Mr. Izzo today for his efforts, & thank the #EU for supporting our @WHO participation. As the #2019nCoV spreads, #Taiwan can play a key role in containing the contagion on the front line of global epidemic prevention.
At this critical juncture, #Taiwan’s continued absence from the @WHO has caused countless errors in the handling of the #2019nCoV outbreak.
Heartfelt thanks to our colleagues at @Taiwan_CDC & the #CECC for providing timely, accurate info through multiple media platforms to help #Taiwan contain #2019nCoV. Transparency is the best way to protect everyone’s right to health, both at home & internationally.
2020/4/16 #武漢肺炎 #2019nCoV #嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 #COVID19 #TaiwanCDC 中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,國內今(16)日無新增確診病例,目前國內維持395例診,分別為340例境外移入及55例本土病例。確診個案中6人死亡,155人解除隔離,其餘持續住院隔離中。
Researchers at a Shenzhen hospital have just found #2019nCoV survives in the excrement of the infected. This strongly suggests fecal as well as respiratory transmission is possible, making a scenario like the infamous Amoy Gardens SARS outbreak possible. weibo.com/2831150640/Ise…
乗客2,666人中、60歳以上は2,144人で、8割を占めるそうです。Of the 2,666 passengers, 2,144 are 60 or older, accounting for 80%.#ダイヤモンドプリンセス #クルーズ船 #新型コロナウイルス #コロナウイルス #新型肺炎 #DiamondPrincess #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #2019nCoV #Quarantine
Hong Kong’s first #2019nCoV fatality has just occurred. The 39-year-old victim, a Whampoa resident, suffered from heart failure this morning. He was diagnosed 31 January, the city’s 13th case. 【武漢肺炎.最新】首宗死亡個案 39歲住黃埔男病人心臟停頓 hk01.com/article/429654