And we are making a final check!! Make sure that [KURO KARA KURI] Optimus Prime be the coolest Transformers ever!! lol Hope you guys get excited just like us do when you have it on hand!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime #KUROKARAKURI
It's news for everyone. MEGATRON will appear in 鉄機巧 series!! Based on the color illust, We are making prototype now!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
The pre-order of [Kuro Kara Kuri] Victory Leo start from today !!! ***Product information*** Price : US$400 Estimate Delivery : April, 2021 Size : ~16cm height, 23cm long #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
The ordering period is September 30th !!! We look forward to your reservation !!! ▼Click here for product information… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
Illustrations of 鉄機巧 DRIFT and TARN are illustrated by Hyogo Funabashi!!!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #DRIFT #TARN
Urgent ! Urgent ! Urgent ! Pre-order of [Kuro Kara Kuri] Victory Leo will start soon !!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
Haven't pre-order [KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime? Pre-order will be closed soon! Seize the last chance to get it for sure! Pre-order links↓… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime To reach its limits, we improved the gimmicks letting him able to do the splits. ※This is a sample for testing. The color may vary from the final product. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime The gun can be stored in his back and transforms from storing mode into two types of attack mode. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
Look at our second test shot of #Kurokarakuri Optimus Prime! The color looks like Takara's toys of the past accidentally😆 Movable range of it has progressed further than the first one. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
This is a paint sample of TARN. #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #TARN
「TRANSFORMERS 鉄機巧 #03 STARSABER」 Detail #05 スターセイバーの胴体は前後左右に柔軟に可動させる事ができるように機巧が組み込まれています。動かしていてストレスの掛かりやすい可動部にはダイキャストをふんだんに使用しております。 #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
[KuroKaraKuri] StarSaber The product sample finally arrived at our office! We hope it to be the one worth waiting for and will ship it to you as soon as possible!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #kurokarakuri #StarSaber
【鉄機巧 -Kuro Kara Kuri-】God Power Jet Armor Illustration is completed and production is in progress !!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS
\\イベント情報!// 昨年、大変ご好評いただきました 【鉄機巧】スターセイバー (Black Limited Edition)に 続きまして… ACG HK 2021限定アイテム2つ目は 『【鉄機巧】ビクトリーレオ(Black Limited Edition)』です!!! 全世界で限定数量800個となります! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #ビクトリーレオ
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime Pre-order started yesterday!! Official e-shop(with a big turbo jet axe bonus part)… ET-toys(Free Japan shipping)… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime