Best partner, best friend! #transformers #earthspark #OptimusPrime #ElitaOne
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime The stomach-grille slides in conjunction. Inner frame can be seen while bending backward and hide while bending forward. The stomach-grille will also get into chest armor parts when bending forward. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
\\アイテム情報!// 『[鉄機巧] SGオプティマスプライム』の 製品サンプルが到着しましたので、いち早く皆様に お見せしたいと思います! SGオプティマスプライムの特徴である割れた フロントガラスは新規造形となります!😍 #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #Transformer #OptimusPrime
TVアニメ『ビーストウォーズ 超生命体トランスフォーマー』よりサイバトロン総司令官コンボイ登場!ワスピーターとの荒々しいバトルを物語るジオラマベースにもご注目!今なら20%オフ。 ご購入:is.gd/ZgmQyN #Transformers #BeastWars #OptimusPrime #prime1studio #ビーストウォーズ
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime The tires will be stored in the calf while the knee armor being folded. ※Some parts for testing are unpainted. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
A very popular version of Optimus is presented in [#FuraiModel]......Optimus Prime (G1 ver.)!!! Pre-order at official shop at a special price: d4toys.com/index.php?rout… or get it from ET-Toys: et-toys.com/index.php?rout… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #風雷模型 #OptimusPrime #G1OptimusPrime
[KuroKaraKuri] Optimus Prime The final sample finally arrived!!! We'll soon ship it to you!!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #kurokarakuri #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime Pre-order started!! For whom pre-order from our official e-shop, you will get a big Turbo Jet Axe bonus part! Official e-shop d4toys.com/index.php?rout… ET-toys et-toys.com/index.php?rout… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
戦え!司令官だらけのトラックの日🚚 #トラックの日 #コンボイ司令官 #トランスフォーマー #オプティマスプライム #Convoy #OptimusPrime #Transformers #メディアワークス (メディアワークス「スーパーロボット大鑑 Ver.2004」イラスト)
We're checking the test shot of [Kuro Kara Kuri]Optimus Prime! Make sure everyone who ordered it can be satisfied🙂 #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #kurokarakuri #OptimusPrime
[KURO KARA KURI] Optimus Prime is under QC check stage! It will come out in January soon! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
And we are making a final check!! Make sure that [KURO KARA KURI] Optimus Prime be the coolest Transformers ever!! lol Hope you guys get excited just like us do when you have it on hand!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime #KUROKARAKURI
Haven't pre-order [KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime? Pre-order will be closed soon! Seize the last chance to get it for sure! Pre-order links↓ twitter.com/flametoys_staf… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime To reach its limits, we improved the gimmicks letting him able to do the splits. ※This is a sample for testing. The color may vary from the final product. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime The gun can be stored in his back and transforms from storing mode into two types of attack mode. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
Look at our second test shot of #Kurokarakuri Optimus Prime! The color looks like Takara's toys of the past accidentally😆 Movable range of it has progressed further than the first one. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime
【予約解禁】 "I'm coming for you!"🔥 #プライム1スタジオ がTF造形で培った技術力の集大成。 『#トランスフォーマー#ダークサイド・ムーン:ジェットウィングオプティマスプライム』が本日予約解禁!! → bit.ly/3gtjgEx#Transformers #DarkoftheMoon #OptimusPrime #Prime1Studio
久しぶりに新宿行ったらとんでもないモノいた。パワーマスターオプティマスプライム、だってさ。まさにパワーーーーーーーーーーーーーーッ!!!!!!!!!!!! #Transformers #OptimusPrime #prime1studio
[KuroKaraKuri]#04 Optimus Prime Pre-order started yesterday!! Official e-shop(with a big turbo jet axe bonus part) d4toys.com/index.php?rout… ET-toys(Free Japan shipping) et-toys.com/index.php?rout… #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧 #OptimusPrime