This illustration is “TARN” of our 2nd project !! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #TARN
Illustrations of 鉄機巧 DRIFT and TARN are illustrated by Hyogo Funabashi!!!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #DRIFT #TARN
This illustration is “STARSABER” of our 鉄機巧 3rd project !!! #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS  #STARSABER
This is a prototype and a color illustration of the TARN. The size of the TARN is 210mm. It is very big and heavy. #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #TARN
This is a prototype and a color illustration of the STARSABER. The size of the STARSABER is 205mm. There are so many details. #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #STARSABER
Tarn’s coloring master has been completed finally ! We cannot wait to share it to you~~~~ Will you pre-order it ? #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #TARN
This is a paint sample of TARN. #FLAMETOYS #鉄機巧 #TRANSFORMERS #TARN
The item I introduce first is a STARSABER paint sample!! And the STARSABER has a big secret... #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
It's a new item!! His name is VICTORY LEO!! Please look forward to new information!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
The secret of STAR SABER... It combine with VICTORY LEO and evolves into VICTORY SABER!! That volume is the largest size in the 鉄機巧 series!! Please look forward to new information!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
鉄機巧 OPTIMUSPRIME will soon complete the prototype!! He can equip a lot of weapons. That is one big sword!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
It's news for everyone. MEGATRON will appear in 鉄機巧 series!! Based on the color illust, We are making prototype now!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
It's color sample of Shattered Glass ver's DRIFT!! Body color changed from white to red.Please look forward to the news!! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
FLAMETOYS様のVICTORY LEOのデザイン&造形をやらせて頂きました!VICTORY SABERになるとまさに超巨大です!ここから更にディテール&ギミックを沢山盛り込んでいきますのでご期待ください!#FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
A product sample of the TARN arrived!! But I’m sorry. TARN release will be changed from September to October. Please wait a little more. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
We are making final adjustments now. We will surely deliver the best products. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
鉄機巧#02 TARN will be shipped soon. For whom had pre-ordered this master pieces, pay attention for your e-mail box in the end of October !! Just sharing some production sample photos here. Thank you weibo blogger NOTRAB. #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧
「TRANSFORMERS 鉄機巧 #02 TARN」は現在順次商品が出荷されておりますので、ご予約されているお客様のお手元には近日中に到着する予定です。細部まで拘りぬいた珠玉のターンを是非ご堪能くださいませ! #FLAMETOYS #TRANSFORMERS #鉄機巧