Successor of the dirt rich Seven Sins Tower, Mie Tianhai is a haughty boss by day and transforms into a masked hunter of swordsmen & their swords by night. But all is changed when an enigmatic stranger pays him a visit...
#ThunderboltFantasy #ThisMovieWontBeAiring
【Genkishu is recruiting!】
The hottest corporation in Dong Li is now recruiting for new blood! Featuring the most lavish marathon and the grimmest avian proctors, it's an experience you'll never forget!
#東離劍遊紀 #ThunderboltFantasy #Genkishu #XuanGuiZong #AprilFools
【Fight the Pandemic!】
Protect yourself, and you'll protect everyone around you! Always mask up, wash your hands, keep sanitizing and keep your social distances! Stay safe from COVID!
#ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
🌺Happy Mother's Day🌺
Special carnations for the special you. This love for you will never fade. May everyone have a Happy Mother's Day!
#ThunderboltFantasy #ZhouXunYin #LangWuYao #LingYa
#東離劍遊紀 #咒旬瘖 #浪巫謠 #聆牙
『Thunderbolt Fantasy 東離劍遊紀』シリーズ一作目の第一話は無料で視聴可能です。
#布袋劇 #サンファン #東離劍遊紀
5/20 is Azibělpher is birthday! Happy birthday feast! 🎂
Azibělpher: Rejoice, Wu Yao! It's exactly because I was born today that you are born into this world!!😎
Lang: ...............I see nothing to rejoice about.🙃
#ThunderboltFantasy #Azibělpher
#東離劍遊紀 #阿爾貝盧法
6/4 is Líng Mò Yán's birthday! Happy birthday! 🎂
Lang: Hap...Happy...Happy Birthday🎁(nervous)
Ling: Thank you for the flowers! Although I don't know who you are, you feel very familiar👩🦰👩🦰👩🦰
#ThunderboltFantasy #LingMoYan #LangWuYao
#東離劍遊紀 #聆莫言 #浪巫謠
6/19 is Zhào Jūn Lín's birthday! Happy birthday! 🎂
The demons sisters are having a saccharine feast! 🍰
Xing: Sister, look at all these sweets sent by your fans. Please enjoy!🥰
Zhao: Thanks...Zhen Jie isn't around, right?
#ThunderboltFantasy #ZhaoJunLin
#東離劍遊紀 #照君臨
6/25 is also Huò Shì Míng Huáng's birthday! We have a new birthday boy!
Yi Piao Miao: Happy Birthday, Your Eminence!
General Wan: For some reason, I'm feeling a little restless seeing His Eminence with a cake knife...😥
#ThunderboltFantasy #HuoShiMingHuang
#東離劍遊紀 #禍世螟蝗
6/25 is Juǎn Cán Yún's birthday! He's another year older, so time for a respectable night out! 🍷
Shang: Happy birthday! We're having a boy's drinking party tonight!😆
Lin: I can make any drink on the menu so order away~⭐️😉
#ThunderboltFantasy #JuanCanYun
#東離劍遊紀 #捲殘雲
7/2 is also Wā̀n Jūn Pò's birthday! Happy summer birthday!🎂
The boys are hosting a BBQ party on the beach!!🥳🥳🥳
Shang Bu Huan: Happy birthday! Work is off-limits today, so just take a well-deserved rest and chill!
#ThunderboltFantasy #WanJunPo
#東離劍遊紀 #萬軍破
7/10 is Shā Wú Shēng's birthday! Happy birthday!🎂
We have a big party for the birthday boy today!🎉
Everyone: Happy Birthday!🥳🥳🥳
Wu Sheng: ...Thanks😳(feels awkward to have so many people around.)
#ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng
#東離劍遊紀 #殺無生
7/23 is Yì Piāo Miǎo's birthday! Happy Birthday Miao!🥳🥳
Yi Piao Miao: The cake is so cute, thank you miao🐱❤️
#ThunderboltFantasy #YiPiaoMiao #NatsukiHanae
#東離劍遊紀 #異飄渺 #花江夏樹
【Moon Festival】
🌝 Greetings! May everyone have a happy Moon Festival weekend and feast on autumn's bounties! If you overeat, remember to burn some calories with a refreshing sparring session under the moon!
#ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
9/23 is Shāng Bù Huàn's birthday! Happy birthday!🎂
Shang: Everyone stand back, I'm going to cut the cake now!😆
An outdoor party to catch the last flowers of summer while enjoying the temperance of autumn!
#ThunderboltFantasy #ShangBuHuan #FallEquinox
#東離劍遊紀 #殤不患
9/24 is Xíng Hài's birthday! Happy birthday!🍸
Xing Hai: Thank you for coming, Elder Sister and Lord Azibělpher. The taste of demon realm's champagne is unbeatable as always 🥰🍸🍸🍸
#ThunderboltFantasy #XingHai
#東離劍遊紀 #刑亥
🎃Happy Halloween🎃
Shang: We aren't kids anymore, trick or treating is...
Ling Ya: Come on, enjoy the festive mood. Don't think, just woof. Let's give everyone a Happy Halloweeeeeen~~~🎃🎃🎃
#ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀 #Halloween
11/9 is Mù Tiān Mìng's birthday. Happy birthday! 🎉
Mu Tian Ming: Happy to have another year of adventures with you guys! 🥰
#ThunderboltFantasy #MuTianMing
#東離劍遊紀 #睦天命
🏮Dong Li New Year Market🏮
Dust down the shelves and stock up the pantries! From street to street, a "Gong Xi Fa Cai" is on everyone's lips, gathering in the market to buy their favorite things!🥳What is everyone getting for this Spring Festival?
#ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
1/20 is Diāo Mìng's birthday. Happy birthday! 🧧
Mie Tian Hai: Since your birthday is on New Year's Eve this year, I'll make sure to give you an extra-large red envelope. Now dig in!
Diao Ming & Co.: Aye sir! Thank you sir!
#ThunderboltFantasy #DiaoMing
#東離劍遊紀 #凋命
✨✨Happy Year of Rabbit✨✨
Wishing good health and good fortunes to all Thunderbolt fans! 🎉🎉🎉Let's look forward to the journey of our favorite puppets this year too!
#HappyNewYear #ThunderboltFantasy
#新年快樂 #東離劍遊紀
2/22 is Làng Wū Yáo's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂
Tian Ming: Happy birthday, Wu Yao! You can ask us for anything today, so don't be shy now!🌸
#ThunderboltFantasy #LangWuYao
#東離劍遊紀 #浪巫謠
2/23 is Xiē Yīng Luò's birthday. Happy birthday!🎂
Normally she would abstain from these calorie bombs. But today is special, when a girl may indulge her sweet tooth with all kinds of delicious cakes!
Xie: Thanks everyone!😋
#ThunderboltFantasy #XieYingLuo
#東離劍遊紀 #蠍瓔珞