スターリンクがキエフに届きました😊❤️ #starlink #elonmask #ukraine #Kiev #kyiv #Bogdan @elonmusk @Vitaliy_Klychko @SpaceX
1/2 #ukraine Ми знаємо про велике навантаження на 1920.in, будь ласка, наберіться терпіння, і це спрацює! Це пов’язано з безпрецедентним обсягом. ДЯКУЮ ВАМ, ГРОМАДЯНИ СВІТУ! Ми анонімні ! Ми не прощаємо! Ми не забуваємо! #росіяни Очікуйте текстове повідомлення
PLEASE RETWEET The worst thing you can do is put profits before people ! The world is watching ! #anonymous ! To the global conglomerates you will be remembered for your action or inactions and customers will make choices as will #anonymous We stand with #ukraine -do you ? 🇺🇦💙💛
A message to #india Prime Minister Modi @PMOIndia , We are disillusioned and disappointed why you are taking the course you are taking, This will have implications. We are Legion ! We do not FORGIVE ! We do not FORGET ! we are relentless. We are #Anonymous #ukraine Expect Us
Elle est ukrainienne, vit au #Japon, n’a plus de nouvelles de sa famille depuis 3 jours, la dernière fois qu’elle a parlé à sa mère, cette dernière se cachait, et depuis le réseau ne fonctionne plus. #ukraine
Ce samedi 5 mars 2022 devant la gare Shinjuku à Tokyo #ukraine
Poland / Moldova / Romania / Slovakia - Thank you for supporting - humanising the refugee crisis from #ukraine ! We thank you good citizens of the world #russia has a price to pay !
リーダーでボーカルのイリヤは、 僕の友人でロシアのスーパースターです。 今日、連絡を取り合いました。 彼らも平和を祈っています。 🙏 #YOSHIKI @mumiytroll #mumiytroll instagram.com/p/CamjLIkNtiy/ #ロシア人気バンド#活動停止 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d3d6b… #russia #ukraine #ウクライナ #ロシア
Believe in the power of love #YOSHIKI Donate, corp.rakuten.co.jp/donation/ukrai… RT@ClassicRockMag Japanese rock star Yoshiki donates ¥10,000,000 to Ukrainian humanitarian causes Yoshiki gets the ball rolling before his followers raise half a million.. #ukraine loudersound.com/news/japanese-…
支援募金、3億円を超えてる、愛の力って凄いよね。 みんなの無事を祈ってる。 #YOSHIKI ウクライナ人道危機 緊急支援募金 corp.rakuten.co.jp/donation/ukrai… #戦争を正当化できるものなんてない #PeaceNotWar #russia #ukraine #ウクライナ #ロシア twitter.com/tonkichi1109/s…
Reason for our silence earlier today was that @Twitter blocked our account. Thank You @Twitter- We are Legion ! We do not forgive ! We do not forget ! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #ukraine
平和を祈っています #YOSHIKI 募金は飲料水など物資支援..子どもの保護をはじめとする人道支援に活用される corp.rakuten.co.jp/donation/ukrai… RT #ウクライナ 緊急支援募金に1000万円を寄付「心が痛む,#戦争を正当化できるものなんてないnews.yahoo.co.jp/articles/84295… #russia #ukraine #PeaceNotWar #ロシア
僕らが声を上げることで、支援は10倍にも、100倍にもなる。みんなの無事を祈ってる。 #YOSHIKI corp.rakuten.co.jp/donation/ukrai… RT@HuffPostJapan YOSHIKIさん、#ウクライナ 支援に1000万円を寄付 「#戦争を正当化できるものなんてないnews.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f0919… #russia #ukraine #PeaceNotWar #ロシア
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. HOW You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. HOW You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
To the people of #Belarus we have no quarrel with you however if you support Lukashenko or the Belarus Government then we cannot stand by and watch- We will take action ! we are legion ! we do not forgive ! we do not forget ! we are #Anonymous #ukraine 🇺🇦
I have amazing friends and fans in both countries. Watching the news breaks my heart.. Praying for everyone's safety. This situation needs to end peacefully very soon. Please let peace prevail.. 🙏 #YOSHIKI #RussiaUkraineWar #russia #ukraine #PeaceNotWar #PeaceWillPrevail
Russian Military's radio station UVB-76, also known as "the buzzer", has been Neutralised. We are Legion ! We do not Forgive ! We do not Forget #UkraineWar #ukraine #Russia 🇺🇦. Mr Putin are you listening ?
今、ウクライナの友達と話した。 爆弾を避けるために地下のシェルターにいる模様。 心が痛む。 戦争を正当化できるものなんてないと思う。 みんなの無事を祈ってる。 #YOSHIKI #RussiaUkraineWar #russia #ukraine #PeaceNotWar #NothingCanJustifyWar #ロシア #ウクライナ
I just talked to a friend in Ukraine who is in a bomb shelter. I can't imagine how hard that is.. Nothing can justify war. Praying for everyone's safety. #YOSHIKI #RussiaUkraineWar #russia #ukraine #PeaceNotWar #NothingCanJustifyWar
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
Putin are you listening #ukraine we are listening to you ! #russians do not listen to Putin! We are not at war with the oppressed russian people ! we are at war with putin and his oppressive measures. We are Legion ! We are united ! We DO NOT FORGIVE WE DO NOT FORGET #Anonymous🇺🇦
#Anonymous is continuing its operations against the Russian Federation. Our operations are targeting the Russian government and those close to the Russian Government- We are at War ! We are united with #ukraine 🇺🇦 Mr Putin ! You have been warned - Expect MORE!