Mr Putin ! Are you paying attention ? #Anonymous incoming ! #ukraine - We cannot forgive you of your actions and the recent atrocity in #Mariupol Pay Attention !
ウクライナという国は聞いたことはあったが、その首都がキエフであることを知ったのは2年前の夏、SF映画「TENET テネット」の字幕科学監修をした時だった。同映画の6分のオープニングはキエフのオペラハウスで発生する劇的な戦闘シーンで始まる。目的は奇しくも第3時世界大戦を阻止すること。#ukraine
Putin are you listening #ukraine we are listening to you ! #russians do not listen to Putin! We are not at war with the oppressed russian people ! we are at war with putin and his oppressive measures. We are Legion ! We are united ! We DO NOT FORGIVE WE DO NOT FORGET #Anonymous🇺🇦
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. HOW You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
we are happy that @renaultgroup had decided to stop production in #russia. Next target :) #ukraine #Anonymous
We would like to see the seized funds of the government of #Russia be utilised for the repatriation of #ukranians and also the rebuilding of #ukraine
Believe in the power of love #YOSHIKI Donate, corp.rakuten.co.jp/donation/ukrai… RT@ClassicRockMag Japanese rock star Yoshiki donates ¥10,000,000 to Ukrainian humanitarian causes Yoshiki gets the ball rolling before his followers raise half a million.. #ukraine loudersound.com/news/japanese-…
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
これから2日間出れなくなるので今日は支援をチームで手分けして皆んなに積極的にやりました🙌 - 食べ物 - 薬 - ペットフード - 日用雑貨 - オムツ 皆様のおかげで本当に多くの方が救われました🥺❤️🇯🇵🙏 #支援 #ボグダン募金 #ウクライナ #年金 #ペット #薬 #bogdan #ukraine
PLEASE RETWEET The worst thing you can do is put profits before people ! The world is watching ! #anonymous ! To the global conglomerates you will be remembered for your action or inactions and customers will make choices as will #anonymous We stand with #ukraine -do you ? 🇺🇦💙💛
The children of #ukraine will remember for decades the atrocities #Russia @KremlinRussia_E have done ! They will never forget ! neither will we ! Putin will never recover from this. We do not forgive ! we are legion ! #Anonymous
Reason for our silence earlier today was that @Twitter blocked our account. Thank You @Twitter- We are Legion ! We do not forgive ! We do not forget ! #Anonymous 🇺🇦 #ukraine
Mr Putin ! Are you paying attention ? #Anonymous incoming ! #ukraine - We cannot forgive you of your actions and the recent atrocity in #Mariupol Pay Attention !
To the people of #ukraine we are with you ! we are targeting assets ! we hear you ! to Mr Putin ! are you watching and listening ? 🇺🇦
爆撃を受けたキエフのショッピングモール その爆撃でも生き残ったHONDAのCIVIC 僕の愛車と同じモデル、色まで同じ もう15年間の付き合い、今もボランティアで引っ張りだこ、本当にありがとう❤️ 日本の魂の技術力に感謝 @Honda @HondaJP #honda #japan #kiev #ukraine #bogdan
自分の家を残す前に最後にピアノを演奏する女性😭🇺🇦 #ピアノ #楽器 #家 #女性 #ukraine #war
Ce samedi 5 mars 2022 devant la gare Shinjuku à Tokyo #ukraine
oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #Anonymous declared a 'cyber war' against Russia. Here are the results. #ukraine cnbc.com/2022/03/16/wha…
We call on all the #Anonymous collective to target International companies who still continue to conduct and engage in business with #russia ! Day 34 and you still continue to support ?. Ethics / Morals! We call on all global citizens to put pressure on those companies! #ukraine
うくらいなの そらをとぶ くまさん ふわふわなの #ukraine #kyiv #pechersklavra #pechersk
Russian warship, f@ck yourself ロシアの船出て行け #russianwarship #ukraine #warship #bogdaninukraine
We do check all your messages ! We hear you ! #ukraine Mr Putin and his oppressive manners will NOT prevail. HOW You can support us by getting the truth out there. We do NOT ACCEPT DONATIONS - Sites asking for donations are FAKE. #Anonymous Putin - Expect More ! 🇺🇦
「新しい地図」ウクライナ避難民へ支援 約100人分の渡航費など3000万円 #新しい地図 #lovepocketfund #ラブポケットファンド #ukraine #ウクライナ支援 #稲垣吾郎 #草彅剛 #香取慎吾 ▼記事はこちら times.abema.tv/articles/-/100…