More images illustrating the overlapping paths of the aircraft and the #12HKyouths' vessel. Credits to netizens. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths twitter.com/YeungTea/statu…
【速報】たった今の国連人権理事会定期会議でウィリアムがスピーチをしました!後にこちらから字幕版を公開いたします。 #光復香港時代革命 #save12hkyouths #BoycottCCP #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests #NationalSecurityLaw
12 Miffy appearing in the Netherlands rally supporting Hong Kong. The 12 Miffy represents the 12 HK teens that have been secretly detained by the CCP #save12hkyouths #save12 #save12hkyouth @save12hkyouths reddit.com/r/HongKong/com…
We also urge the international community to heed our call and pay close attention to the case of #12HKyouths. Voice out before it is too late. Your attention is their protection. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths - Img: blossomium_illust (instagram) twitter.com/amnestyHK/stat…
[12 홍콩인 관심그룹] #save12hkyouths 1/ 2020년 8월 23일IMG_8040.PNG 홍콩인 12명이 홍콩 동남쪽 해역에서 중국 광동 해경에게 체포되었습니다. 이들은 현재 심천시에 구류된 상태입니다. 2/ 일부 가족들은 변호사를 대동하여 구류된 가족들을 만나고자 하였으나 코앞에서 거절을 당하였습니다.
In Shenzhen, Carrie Lam should appeal directly and personally to Chairman Xi to ease the plight of 12 Hong Kong people in a Shenzhen prison, and seek their release and safe return to Hong Kong, writes @benedictrogers. #save12hkyouths hongkongfp.com/2020/10/14/chi…
#Day35 "君と夏の終わり 将来の夢 大きな希望 忘れない 涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら せつないよね You and the end of summer and dreams of the future And our big hope, I won't forget them A goodbye when you hold back tears and smile is lonely, isn't it" #anohana #save12hkyouths
After coercing out letters to sing praises of the detention centre from a 3-month info blackout, it seems that the CCP has finally forced sufficient “confession” from all of them for prosecution. This is not a fair legal process they are going through. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
#save12hkyouths Global Petition: Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China bit.ly/save12youthspe…
#AndyIsMissing for 61 days. There will be rallies around the world for #save12hkyouths. Please join one near your and show support to bring them back home. twitter.com/hongkongersin/…
คืนเอกราชให้ฮ่องกง 香港是一个国家 #MilkTeaAlliance #save12hkyouths
Please sign and share the petition to save 12 HK youths arrested and taken to mainland China 🙏 #save12hkyouths #StandWithHK Global Petition: Immediate Return of the 12 HK Detainees from Mainland China! 全球聯署要求中國政府送返12名被捕港人 chng.it/L6xYhHPB @change_jpより
BREAKING: We were informed that Andy would be brought to trial on Monday (28/12) afternoon. As with other politically sensitive cases, obviously they rushed for the Christmas period so as to minimize international backlash. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/andy_is_missin…
2. The vessel was once owned by Diamlemos shipping corporation and now sold to M/Maritime. Since radar data is normally kept for only a limited time, please help us to contact the crew to #save12hkyouths.
Anti-impunity movements worldwide. ✊ (part 2) #EndImpunity 🇭🇰#save12hkyouths 🇿🇼#ZimbabweanLivesMatter 🇮🇩#RemoveOmnibusLaw 🇪🇹#problemistyrannynotethnicity 🇮🇳#youthagainstrape 🇨🇩#CongolsBleeding 🇨🇱#ChileDesperto 🇱🇧#Lebanonprotests 🏗️#OpCanary
Hong Kong activist Andy Li has been held in solitary confinement at a psychiatric hospital after being charged under the national security law, according to Apple Daily sources. ⁦@andy_is_missing#save12hkyouths #andyismissing hk.appledaily.com/news/20210329/…
.@appledaily_hk found that a govt aircraft had been circling the waters where the speedboat was believed to be at on Aug23 despite HKPF claims that they had known nothing beforehand. How many lies have we heard already? #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths facebook.com/save12hkyouths…
This is an important event. We hope that @JulianWTO_UN raises the case of the 12 Hong Kong young people who are currently detained in mainland China in the discussion. #save12hkyouths twitter.com/UKMissionGenev…
On the 160th day since the detention of #12Hkers, we condemn the Chinese Communist government for acting against its own principles of judicial transparency and in violation of the detainees’ legal rights. The Chinese authorities must release them immediately. #save12hkyouths