警察本部外に違法集結などの罪で起訴された黄之鋒、林朗彦と周庭氏(ジョシュア・ウォン、イヴァン・ラム、アグネス・チャウ)が今日裁判所で罪を認め、法廷から拘禁命令を下し、刑務所に入た。12月2日香港時間14:30に処罰内容を言い渡す。ジョシュアは最後まで「頑張れ」を励ました。 #HongKong #save12
12 Miffy appearing in the Netherlands rally supporting Hong Kong. The 12 Miffy represents the 12 HK teens that have been secretly detained by the CCP #save12hkyouths #save12 #save12hkyouth @save12hkyouths reddit.com/r/HongKong/com…
New York along with other cities all over the world voice out their support to the 12 Hongkongers, that these freedom fighters are not forgotten and will continue to spread the message to the free world! #save12 #save12hkyouths #願手足歸香港 #光復香港時代革命
Thanks again for all the N.Y. HKers! 我地紐約手足一定會繼續撐香港, 無畏無懼!! #save12hkyouths #save12
One of the boats is dedicated to Wong Wai Jin, one of the detainees, who wrote a letter asking his parents' forgiveness for his sudden departure. In order not to scare them, Wong didn't even have chances to wave farewell. #save12 #save12hkyouths #bringthemback #StandWithHongKong
3. All I wish this year is another birthday meal with my family next year, the safe return of the #12hkyouths, and the release of thousands of freedom-seeking #Hkers now detained in prison. #save12
From the peak of the city’s iconic mountain, #HKers shined 12 laser beams to call for saving #12hkyouths, who have been detained for 51 days on their refugee journey to #Taiwan. #save12hkyouths #save12
3. Since it could be the first case that #HKers are put on trial in China’s secret court under #nationalsecuritylaw, we hope the world can keep watch on the situation and wish they can all come back safe. #save12hkyouths #save12hkyouth #save12