🇺🇦Good morning, its day 216 in #Ukraine and while the news is all about #russia mobilizing, i want them to see Stefania standing in what was left of her kindergarten. She had her birthday on February 24, the day when you invaded and her innocence was lost forever
1/2 We issue this as a warning on behalf of the collective that any company conducting unethical business in #russia you are our target. Why? because #Anonymous does not like oppression ! We understand that there are some valid reasons medical supplies and other essential reason
The irony is tomorrow #russia will be celebrating the end of war in #europe however at the same time he has declared war in #europe #slavaukraine 💙💛🇺🇦
#Ukrainian pilot Vadym shot down 5 kamikaze drones&2 missiles in #Vinnytsia region earlier this week during #russia's attack. Fragment of drone damaged his jet. To save our lives the pilot diverted his aircraft from populated area and managed to eject. A hero. #StandWithUkraine
エリツィンから打診があった時、断った 生き方を変えないといけないから 覚悟が必要だからだ! 「最期は人生を謳歌したかどうかだ」 この世界を狂わせてる組織と1人戦うプーチン大統領を観て下さい。 @kishida230 #VladimirPutin #russia
#Ukraine we listened ! ! and we hear you ! #russia listen to us !
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 224 in #Ukraine and in the last 4 days the AFU has liberated 24 settlements in Kherson. Do you feel the fire #russia?
We call on all hackers worldwide to avenge the senseless support of #russia by the following @AUCHAN_France ! @Decathlon you will pay ! we are at war ! WE DO NOT FORGIVE ! WE DO NOT FORGET ! #anonymous @squad3o3 @xxNB65 @AnonymItalia @LiteMods @YourAnonNews
ケガをおして出場したFSで会場を魅了した羽生選手。 Photo:田村翔/Sho Tamura #ロステレコム杯 #フィギュアスケート #GPシリーズ #ロシア #羽生結弦 #figureskating #grandprix #russia #yuzuruhanyu #sportsphotography #photography
This is Europe in the 21st Century ! It is not a picture from a games console! This is #Ukraine Those who stand with or abstain against #russia are also questionable! All non humanitarian : medical trade must be ceased with #russia - if not EXPECT US ! #Anonymous
This is Europe in the 21st Century ! It is not a picture from a games console! This is #Ukraine Those who stand with or abstain against #russia are also questionable! All non humanitarian : medical trade must be ceased with #russia - if not EXPECT US ! #Anonymous
The very first #russian missile strikes on #Ukraine's capital. This is how the morning started in #Kyiv. More explosions followed. We call on Int'l community to act one voice, impose more sanctions,recognize #russia as terrorist state. 🇷🇺must be punished now! #StandWithUkraine
プーチン大統領を悪だと印象操作されてきた事に気付いた人は多いと思う✨ 彼は1人で、いやロシア国民と共に悪と戦っている。 プーチンはずっと前から正しかったのかもしれない。彼はそれ以来の時間を使った。 @kishida230 #russia #VladimirPutin twitter.com/alternatnews/s…
We call on all the #Anonymous collective to target International companies who still continue to conduct and engage in business with #russia ! Day 34 and you still continue to support ?. Ethics / Morals! We call on all global citizens to put pressure on those companies! #ukraine
Does 🇷🇺#russia support mobilization to 🇺🇦#Ukraine ?
#Ukraine we listened ! ! and we hear you ! #russia #belarus listen to us !
This is what russian terrorists leave behind. The video shows the consequences of their atrocities in the de-occupied territories of #Kherson region. All what #russia can bring is destruction, pain, and devastation. #StandWithUkraine. #RussiaIsATerroristState
Pleased to meet @UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Orlando Bloom. Thank him for coming to Ukraine as a sign of support&for his personal commitment to the rights of🇺🇦children. We discussed #russia's criminal practices of transferring our children to🇷🇺&steps needed to ensure their return.
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 210 in #Ukraine All i can say to #russia is... BRING IT ON! You cant send slaves to liberate free people❤️
After #russia gets humiliated in #Ukraine, we hope for a peaceful surrender of the occupied territories. Otherwise, #HIMARS o'clock should strike again. twitter.com/AdamKinzinger/…