A Hong Kong police mocked the protestors who support #BlackLivesMatter Source: BeWater HK Facebook 相關討論 - 有香港警察嘲笑 Black Lives Matter lih.kg/2061636 #LIHKG #HongKongPolice #racism
May Allah's mercy be upon our 4 Muslim brothers and sisters from the same family who were massacred in #Canada. We must all fight together against the terrorism of #Islamophobia, #racism and #discrimination. International community must take common action without further delay.
Two years on, #US still reels from the death of #GeorgeFloyd with no cure for #racism. #HumanRights #BlackLifeMatters
このような差別的な発言は絶対許せないし、非常に残念だと思っています || Racism like this is unacceptable and extremely disappointing for me!! #racism #Football #jleague
別にコロナウィルスが流行している今だから始まったわけではない。 世界的に黒人差別やイスラム批判が頻繁に話題になっているけど、アジア人に対する話題はほとんどない。でも、アジア人に対する差別は根強くあるし、これに対して私達は主張する必要があると思う。#racism news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d3bd2…
このような差別的な発言は絶対許せないし、非常に残念だと思っています || Sadly it happened again BUT racism like this is STILL unacceptable and extremely disappointing for me!! #racism #jleague #NoToRacism
Just noted a simple fact: since 2016, every year the #UNGA passed with overwhelming majority the resolution proposed by #Russia to combat glorification of #Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices contributing to fueling contemporary forms of #racism, racial discrimination, ...
Hosted @hadjalahbib, FM of Belgium. Underlined the need to fight against #terrorism without “ifs or buts” and the necessity to take concrete measures against rising #racism, #Islamophobia & #xenophobia in Europe. Discussed regional issues including #Ukraine & #Syria.🇹🇷🇧🇪
Slave trade and #colonialism are the primary root causes of #racism.
*Beware of extreme #racism Maybe the only freedom the Chinese have is the freedom of slave trading. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Among all the top comments, only one of them is not racist (colored in cyan). If you want to see #racism is its crudest form, learn Chinese and come to Bilibili (Chinese YouTube for young people). #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Chinese are very proficient when it comes to #racism, against African, American and especially, African American. @AsstSecStateAF @guyrbdavies #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
黒人に対する人類差別行為が中国で広がっています。 黒人、中国市場に入ることが禁止されています。酷い。 中国から全ての国際企業を取り除くべきです。 中国製品をボイコットしましょう‼️ #RacistChina #CCPVirus #racism
COVID-19 can be cured, but racism cannot be cured. Don't be a monster. #COVID19 #racism
「春の香りはいかが」??? 差別の意図は無いって言ってるようだけど、白人男性の汗の染みた下着をパッケージして、それを買って匂いを嗅いで喜んでるのが灰色の町に住むアジア人女性 差別でないならこの演出にする必要性がどこにあるのか 撤回を求めます #hornbach #racism #Ich_wurde_geHORNBACHt twitter.com/Hornbach_tweet…