こふちゃん はじめての おにわでち! Kofu am taken to mom's garden for the first time! #pixlr #menacecatk
あの…ちっといいですか? Ah... Excuse me? #pixlr #straycatj
われながら こふちゃん はんさむぼーい なのでち Kofu think Kofu am a handsome boy #pixlr #menacecatk
すわるー! I'm going to sit on you! #pixlr #straycatj
ただいまなのです オレはけんこうだったです I'm now back home and I'm healthy! #straycatj #pixlr
おは… Good morning... #pixlr #straycatj
あさのぱとろーるなのです It's the time for the morning patrolling #pixlr #straycatj
Jせんせの ちっぽをねらうでち I'm going to attack mastar J's tail... #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
え、ふろ? オレは行かないです おろせです Are you going to taking a bath? No thanks, leave me soooon!! #pixlr #straycatj
さぶいので 家主でぬくまるのです It's so cold and I take a warmth by my landlady #pixlr
くさ!くさよこせです! Grass! Give me the grass in your hand! #straycatj #pixlr
家主 きょう どようなのに マルイチしごと行きやがったですよね Hey landlady, you'd gone to your office all the day though it's Saturday today 💢#pixlr #straycatj
家主きょう うちいるですよね Hey landlady, you're going to stay at home today, don't you? #straycatj #pixlr
きょうはねこのひよ わかってるですね? It's the Cats Day today... I believe you understand it #pixlr