おひさま じゅうでんちゅう I'm storing the sunbeam #pixlr #straycatj
そろそろねるじかんですのに でしは どこ行きましたかね Where is my apprentice... it's almost the time to sleep #pixlr #straycatj
どーーーーん! It's Kofu! #pixlr #menacecatk
めりくりなのです Merry Christmas #pixlr #straycatj
なによ… What do you wanna say...? #pixlr #straycatj
クリームな何かと黒い何か Something cream and something black #pixlr #straycatj #menacecatk
ここがおちつくのです I feel comfortable here...#pixlr #straycatj
今日は家主とであったきねんびなのです It's the anniversary thet I had met my landlady at first #pixlr #straycatj
すりっぱ!ええかみましたけど!? I actually bite a slipper, so, then!? #straycatj #pixlr
ふぁっしょにすた こふでち Kofu am the fashionista! #pixlr #menacecatk #Caturday #猫がいる幸せ
まなてぃーなキセツなのです It's the season of the manatee... #pixlr #straycatj
くまとオレの ウツクシイカサナリなのよ It's a beautiful collaborated shape of the bear and me #pixlr #straycatj