We want to convey our wish for peace to the world because we know deep sorrow, suffering, and indelible wounds. May peaceful days come as soon as possible. One Ball. One World. Peace that we can play sports. #hiroshima #peace #sanfrecce twitter.com/sanfrecce_SFC/…
Blood Pheasant (血雉,Ithaginis cruentus), in SW China's #Tibet autonomous region. It is under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 春兰秋菊 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Wallcreeper (红翅旋壁雀), in Sichuan province. Unmistakable, but difficult to spot on rock faces. Spectacular in flight, with broad black, red, and white-spotted wings resembling a giant butterfly. credit 二筒 ☕️ #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #HappyNewYear
おはようございます。 平和記念式典見れる人は見てくださいね。#peace #平和 #広島 #hiroshima
sweet family of Pallas's Cat (兔狲) says Good day from #China. My love for you all. 🤣🌹 #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Hi world❤️ See me at fancentro 😆 ファンサイトでお待ちしております😆 rurisaijo.com #gravure #dressup #tanned #smile #peace
“Happy birthday 窪田くん!” from M.Nagase #誕生日おめでとう #窪田正孝 くん #ファンシー #peace #平和
angry bird -- Whiskered Yuhina (黄颈凤鹛), in southwestern China's Yunnan province. credit 若水 🤣 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2022
White-browed Tit-warbler (花彩雀莺,Leptopoecile sophiae), in Sichuan province. A tiny purplish-blue bird with a chestnut cap, a soft pink belly, and a pale brow that is not always prominent. credit 东南风 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Indian White-eyes (灰腹绣眼鸟,Zosterops palpebrosus) are splashing. Hyperactive little yellow bird with an off-white belly and white "spectacles". credit 义胆雄丰 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Pallas's Leaf Warbler (黄腰柳莺) feeds massive baby of Asian Koel, a large cuckoo. Asian Koel lays eggs in the nests of other birds, which raise the young cuckoos. #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
どうか世界に、平穏が訪れますように… #こどもの日 #平和 #peace
Sweet family of Black Swan says Good day from #China. My love for you all.🌹 credit 微雨燕 #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Who is threat to the world? Who is safeguarding world #peace and #development?
Blue-winged Laughingthrush (蓝翅噪鹛), in Yunnan province. Never found in large flocks, but rather in small groups, pairs, and even occasionally singly. credit 悦鸟鸣娴 🌹 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2022
Good day from #China. My prayers for you all. Courtship of Golden Pheasant. ☕️ #nature #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Crested Kingfisher (冠鱼狗, Megaceryle lugubris), in Hubei province. Large thickset kingfisher of fast-flowing streams in forested inland regions. credit 阿光 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Riding mom boat -- sweet family of Black Swan (黑天鹅). You won't see 4 chicks until the end. 🤣🌹 credit 爱蝴蝶 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Mute Swans say Good day from #China. My prayers and love for you all. credit 天鹅王子 🌹🌹🥰🥰 #nature #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Black-faced Warblers (黑脸鹟莺,Abroscopus schisticeps) are splashing and having fun, in Yunnan province. A brightly-colored and active small warbler of hilly and montane forests. credit 义胆雄丰 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
本日のライトアップは、東京タワーから平和の祈りを捧げるメッセージ「PEACE」点灯いたします。 #peace #peacefromtokyotower tokyotower.co.jp/lightup
Good day from #China. My love for you all. 🌹 King rooster in Yunnan province. (credit 三丫A) #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Teen Vogue(틴 보그)에 투지의 인터뷰가 실렸어요✨ #2z #tuzi #teenvogue #vogue #보그 #틴보그 #interview #보그인터뷰 #BlackLivesMatter #music #peace #happiness 링크는 아래에👇🏻👇🏻 teenvogue.com/story/k-pop-ro…