Minghao’s new single 《那幕(Falling Down)》reached a popularity of 2.1 million in 1 hour 34 minutes after its release and won the title of Screaming Popular Gold Single🏆🏆 ​​​ #徐明浩 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #ディエイト #ミンハオ #那幕 #Falling_Down #8MUSIC
200508 Minghao comment on Xiuzhu Teacher ’s Weibo Xiuzhu teacher, thank you for your hard work and thank you for your company, I’m very glad and happy to have a soul resonance with you #徐明浩 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #ディエイト #ミンハオ #那幕 #Falling_Down #8MUSIC
200509 Weibo comment Jolin Tsai: ⊙∀⊙!⊙∀⊙!⊙∀⊙!It ’s amazing ahahah 🥰🥰🥰 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #徐明浩 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #ディエイト #ミンハオ #那幕 #Falling_Down #8MUSIC #8ContemporaryART @pledis_17
서명호 팬 연합&The8bar 데뷔 5주년 응원 항목: 한국 카톡 배너 투입 시간: 2020.0526 도달범위:한국서울시 명호의 데뷔 5주년을 축하하기 위해 The8Bar가 카톡 배너 응원를 준비했습니다. 또한 링크를 통해 명호의 새 곡 《Falling Down》도 볼 수 있습니다. #세븐틴 #디에잇 #minghao #ミンハオ
Haicheng No.4 Middle School is Xu Minghao’s alma mater, also where his dream started. We hope through this project, we could help students from poverty-stricken households to improve their living and learning environment and allow them grow up happily. #디에잇 #minghao #THE8
Did you achieve your goal last year? Do you have any new goals for this year? A: My goal from last year seems to be…to be a better me, and I think that I had already achieved it. Because I feel that I’m doing better every day, I had innovation and to challenge.#디에잇 #minghao
Fill in the blanks Don’t want to go to work Don’t want to go to work Don’t want to go to work Just want to go to bed. #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #徐明浩 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #ディエイト #ミンハオ #那幕 #Falling_Down #8MUSIC @pledis_17