RT) 5월 8일 공개되는 THE 8 ‘那幕 (Falling Down)’을 위한 해시태그 입니다. #THE8_Falling_Down ✔️일시: 5월 8일 00:00 (KST)
#THE8_Falling_Down @pledis_17 디에잇이라는 장르의 예술작품을 한 편 본 느낌이고... 보는 내내 감탄뿐 😭 twitter.com/pledis_17/stat…
200508 Lay Zhang:Nice dancing! minghao:Thanks,I will continue work harder. Zhu Xingjie: You evolved! Artist. (He means the8 did much better than before.) 8:Let’s evolve together! QinFen: Dancing is good, the song is good, and person is good. 8:You too. #디에잇 #THE8_Falling_Down
2020.05.08 (금) 🎵 01:00 那幕 (Falling Down) 발매 (디에잇) ▶️ 17:08 딩고 유튜브 어버이날 (승관) 📺 [JPN] 20:00 M-ON! 2018 SEVENTEEN CONCERT 'IDEAL CUT' IN JAPAN ▶️ 덕후구름 유투브 코스모폴리탄 5월호 비하인드 (원우/민규/도겸/승관) #THE8_Falling_Down #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
200508 Weibo comments Yao Chen: After almost half year of preparation, the work has finally came out. There are many details in the dance, I really want to hear your explanation if we had chance Minghao: Next time we meet let’s have a good chat #THE8_Falling_Down #徐明浩 #那幕