ChatGPTを活用したセルフカウンセリングを、LINEで行えるサービスを公開しました。1人で悩むと陥りがちな認知バイアスに対して、AIがより中立的な考え方を提案します(認知行動療法ベース)。 mimo-ai-cbt.studio.site #chatgpt #mentalhealth #CBT #mimoAI
This is a bit of story about why I’ve stepped away from the national team. This is what I felt. This has always been on my mind for 7 years, and that was a load off my mind. #respectplayer #mentalhealth yukinagasato.net/post/i-ve-step…
It's #WorldMentalHealthDay, which means, let's take a break and do things that bring you joy! Here are some activities that can support your #mentalhealth during quarantine.