#Guangzhou, a city of over 20 million people, now stays “quiet”. This is a new, and much nicer way of referring to #lockdown. #CCPChina #AmazingChina #CCP #CCPVirus #COVID #COVID19
People in #Haizhu district. #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina fight back against the #CCP police and #ZeroCovid #lockdown
The number of #Shanghai metro passengers kept dropping, from 10.203 million on Dec 9 to 3.055 million on Dec 17, after the #CCP made a U-Turn in its #ZeroCOVIDpolicy. #chinalockdown #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China
1/2 #Mask off! Guangzhou lifted #Covid #lockdown today, after widespread #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtests2022. Leaders took off their masks at today's press conference. 2 possibilities: 1) by sorfening the #ZeroCovidPolicy a little, the #CCP hopes the #A4Revolution..
#ZeroCovid at a new level: After they take people away from their homes, #BigWhites now are also breaking into people's homes and zeroing out their properties. #大白 #清零 新阶段:你家的东西也得给你清零了。 #COVID #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
Students of #PekingUniversity #BeijingUniversity protest against #COVID19 #lockdown . They actually pushed down the wall. The vice principal asks students to put down their phones to “protect Peking University”. In 1989, the students movement started from this university.
This is the most ridiculous #lockdown in #CCPChina. They’re locking the land so that no one can go farming. 田都不让种了,来年喝西北风吗?#中共病毒
In #CCPChina, if you dare to go out farming during the #COVID #lockdown #COVID19 #CCPvirus (By the way, the music is epic. Don't know which genius added it).
New form of crackdown! After checking this man’s #cellphone, #CCP police summons the man who is under ##lockdown at home to the police station for investigation as he is “suspected of setting up a #WeChat group & inciting everyone to shout together.” #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Tonight, a riot broke out in #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina. The crowd cheered and applauded while pushing into the #Covid #lockdown fence. One man stormed into the district government. A large number of police officers rushed to the scene. Enough is enough! #CCPVirus
Residents riot in Sungang, #Shenzhen #CCPChina. People are tired of the #lockdown. 深圳笋岗 被封居民反抗了。
May 7, at Zhuanqiao in #Shanghai (#上海 颛桥), #COVID19 prisoners storm out of their prison. 5月7日晚,上海颛桥,#中共國 的「防疫囚徒」們反抗越獄了。 #COVID #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP #CCPChina #中共病毒
Public clashes with #CCP police as the gather at #Urumqi road in #Shanghai city #CCPChina to mourn the victims who died in the fire because of inhumane #covid #lockdown. The crowd shouted “CCP, step down! #XiJinping, step down!”
“Happy” life inside a #Covid camp in #Chongqing city, #CCPChina. At the end you will see an elderly lady in her 90s, who struggles so hard to walk to the restroom. Nobody is looking after these people. Chongqing has a population of 30M and is currently under #lockdown.
#Zhengzhou city in #CCPChina is under #lockdown (again). In order to prevent people from leaving the city, the highway to #Beijing is blocked like this. For the latest situation regarding the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy, watch this: youtu.be/2qb2Fup3tMg #AmazingChina.
A silent protest from #CCPChina during the #COVID #lockdown: My fridge is empty. #中共病毒 无声的抗议
Silent protest against the #CCP’s bloody #ZeroCovid #lockdown at #Beijing Film Academy.
Dec 18, at #Beijing Chuiyangliu Hospital (北京垂杨柳医院), patients and bodies stayed in the same room. #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #CCPChina #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #lockdown #XiJinping #CCP #China
At Tiantongyuan in #Beijing, residents demanded end of #lockdown.
The #COVID #concentration camps in #CCPChina are becoming ever more magnificent! This one under construction is at Cuntanb(寸滩) in #Chongqing City. #COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #ZeroCovid #lockdown, #XiJinping #ENDccp #chinalockdown #ZeroCOVIDpolicy
In #Shanghai city tonight, people also started to protest against the #covid #lockdown #CCPChina
#CCP is showing us in real-time what is state #terrorism. I never understand why some people in the West would openly defend the #CCP. #中共國 實時上演 #國家恐怖主義。 現在大家還沒看明白它們所謂的 #防疫 到底是啥嗎? #CCPChina #CCPvirus #COVID19 #lockdown
Personal items also get “zeroed out” at the #Foxconn dormitories after workers fled the #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou #CCPChina amid #Covid #lockdown. #AmazingChina #CCP #Covid19 #CCPVirus
2/3: Public tries to stop the police from arresting an old man for exposing corruption. The man showed the crowd that the meat he bought was donated by another province but was sold to make money. At Jinze town Qingpu District, #Shanghai. #COVID19 #CCPVirus #lockdown #CCP