Certain Johnnys' Junior groups hone particular skills that may at first glance seem out of the ordinary but which have become part of the Johnny's identity. For example, roller skating has been a staple of many concerts' flourish since the 1980s. #HiHiJets #johnnysnext
"All for one and one for all" is the thread by which a Johnnys' group identity is sewn, with each and every member, no matter how many there are in total, contributing from their individual skills and abilities to the rich tapestry they are as a unit. #ShonenNinja #johnnysnext
#ShonenNinja's "Sunshine Smiles" beam out during their solo show for Summer Station Live THE FUTURE! The fun isn't over yet with a few more shows to go, #Bishonen returning for round two, and #HiHiJets' solo show already in progress at Summer Paradise! #johnnysnext