Dear Detectives, Tracy has a new look; will this lead to her uncovering new hidden gadgets within the manor? Find out now on #identityv #themechanic
Dear Detectives, love is in the air already! The Valentine's Day event starts this Sunday! Check out the event rewards and get ready to be carried away! - with love, Emma! #valentinesday #identityv
Dear Detectives, The traditional Luna calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. Today is Qiufen, marking the midpoint of autumn. And there are only 100 days left in 2020. Just say goodbye to lost yesterday. #identityv #identityvautumn
Dear Detectives, Pet - Mini Bloody Queen will be in store on Dec.10th. Let us take her to walk around the manor. #identityv #MiniBloodyQueen
She swishes in her red shoes with pride, do you want to dance with Vera? Check out the Gameplay video to see the Perfumer Deduction Star in action! #identityv #dedectionstar #gameplay
Dear Detectives, The Dream Witch is prepared to enchant you with her new look, Reversed Judgement. Are you prepared to fall under her spell? #identityv #COIII
Dear Detectives, the forest can be a welcoming space, with fresh greens and colourful flora. Are you prepared for the Restore Titantree Forest Event? #identityv
The never-fading dream began to collapse He is now awake. How will he choose between the cage of hypocrisy and the cruel truth? Will he be able to usher in the final redemption in the silent confession? Check out the new Chapter of Truth & Inference, The Silent Rebel. #identityv
載せ忘れてたやつ😉 2019年と2021年🌂👘 #第五舞台 #第五人格 #identityv
Dear Detectives, “Choo Choo” Identity V Special Express is here. Let’s check out those cute animals.  Can you recognize them? #identityv #identityvfanart #animalday
本番まであと1日、、 劇場までお気をつけてお越しください。🌙 #第五人格 #identityv #第五舞台 #祭司
Dear Detectives, how have you been? This is Emma and I've snuck into the dev's computer again to announce that the new season of Rank Treasure is here! View the gameplay video to witness firsthand the magic of Season 15! #gameplay #identityv
新衣装披露 血の女王 UR 野人 SSR 占い師 SSR #第五人格 #identityv
Dear Visitors, Let's celebrate Edgar's happy birthday! All the vivid colors he uses for creating masterpieces! May the colors of his art live on forever. #identityv #painter
白無常の事が大好きなのね…👀 本日は特別公演です! お待ちしております🔯💕 #第五舞台 #第五人格 #identityv
sorry but im here with dumb alva comics #identityv
give me all the ducks #identityv
*thinks about long haired alva from the concept art* *starts crying* #identityv
Dear Detectives, the Lantern Festival Event is illuminating its way toward us! This special event runs from 26 Feb to 4 Mar; are you ready to light up your lanterns? #identityv
#identityv #COAVI #mellyplinius woman on the moon!!! 1 hour paint
やっと心眼ちゃん描けました!! 毎日少しずつ描いてたのでかなり時間がかかってしまいました💦 #identityv #identityVイラスト #第五人格 #第五人格イラスト
Dear Detectives, July 15th of the Chinese Lunar Calendar is Wu chang's character day. We all understand the power of death. It is absolute. It is permanent. It is me standing on the bridge, while you remain on the other side. #identityv #identityvwuchang