He grew up in an orphanage, he's a humble and gentle boy. Now he's a member of the detective agency! His superpower is the 'Beast beneath moonlight'! S costume of "Atsushi Nakajima" for the Mercenary will be available! Retweet and we will choose 1 player for 50USD. #identityv
\IdentityV 第五人格×Tカード/ 本日よりWEB予約受付開始! モバイルTカードでもデザイン表示できます☆ ~オリジナルグッズもWEB予約受付スタート♪~ #identityv #第五人格 #第五人格Tカード
傭兵、誕生日おめでとう。 沢山の愛を^ ^ #第五人格 #identityv #第五舞台
Dear Detectives, Are you ready for the dance? But remember, every wish comes with a price on this Halloween. #identityv #identityvhalloween
本日より発売の #第五舞台 Blu-ray✨ いっぱい楽しんでね‼️ 今でも台詞覚えてるな〜😁 #第五人格 #identityv
【📢近日のガチャ発売情報】 🔷第五人格 にとたんフィギュアマスコット アーツオリジナルのにとたんシリーズ! カプセルに閉じ込められたサバイバー達の運命は… 🤖全5種 👛400円 #identityv #第五人格 #ガチャ #出荷情報🚚
幸運児のお誕生日 11月22日 好き:箱 嫌い:犬 #第五人格 #identityv
🎂Happy birthday🎂 たまに肘当ては暴発するけど 最高だぜ!ナワーブ!! #ナワーブ・サベダー誕生祭2021 #傭兵誕生日 #identityv #第五人格
Dear Detectives, Behind the beauty lies a deep mystery, and a relentless love that is seeking her presence. #identityv #thegeisha
*shoves alva lorenz into my mouth pt.2* #identityv
やっと完成しました…😇 Aphasia / 第五人格 #第五人格 #identityv
今の気持ちを込めて、、、 【舞う】 #第五舞台 #第五人格 #identityv #祭司 #フィオナジルマン
楽日も頑張ります。 #第五舞台 #第五人格 #identityv
Dear Detectives As you know, It was a glorious day in Tracy's life. She focused on the clockwork all day and night...seems like she can manipulate time. The ONCE series of Mechanic coming soon, will launch in the game on Dec. 29. #identityv #ONCE
Dear Detectives, Here is the Identity V Calendar of November! Don’t forget to check for your beloved character! #identityv #identityvnovember
Dear Detectives, March is around the corner and so are the special days dedicated to these characters! Are you excited to celebrate with them? #identityv
Dear Detectives, Check out the latest New Character, Journalist gameplay video. To let more players have a gaming experience, we will pick 5 players that comment and Tweet for test server code. #identityv #journalist #newcharacter
Dear Detectives, Halloween is quite close! What have you been preparing for Halloween? Self-made costumes, party decorations, pumpkin lanterns, or even tricks... Share in the comment! #identityv #identityvhalloween
夏休みは終わり、学校は始めました。 皆さん新学期初の登校日はいかがでしたか? エマとマーサも今日から学校です! 先生はなんとリッパー! 授業中に追われるかな? 今はロビーに補習中なので、 たぶん問題ないと思う! #第五人格イラスト #identityv by Ekita玄 from weibo
Dear Detectives, if all misfortune comes from blessings. The witches shall reverse the stars and turn back the time... Season 23 Essence 1, with stars and infinite sky, will be available on Sep 22. Stay tuned. #identityv #seasonessence
レオパパとエマ #第五人格 #identityv #庭師誕生日 中国公式weiboから
Dear Detectives, Listen~ The prelude to Halloween has already started. Identity V characters are waiting for you in the manor. Will you take my invitation and join this year's big party? #identityv #halloween
Dear Detectives, Introducing a new hunter with a traumatic past. The three dwarfs are entering the Oletus Manor as one... and they don't know the meaning of 'mercy'. Are you ready to face the new hunter? #identityv
a quick patient speedpaint for something #identityv #IdentityVfanart
新衣装披露 血の女王 UR 野人 SSR 占い師 SSR #第五人格 #identityv