If someone is injured and you need to carry them away quickly from a dangerous environment for a short distance, use these carry methods. #guide #Mar14Coup Subscribe! 👇👇 youtu.be/WuMFoc4-Swc
If someone near you is gravely injured or has severe fractures, including a fractured back or neck do not transport them without a litter. Learn how to make an improvised litter to safely transport victims. #guide #March13coup Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/nNCxO9_Xdds
If you are in a situation where there is an active shooter or multiple shooters inside a building, here are some tips to increase your chances of survival. #guide #Mar19Coup Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/ftoWU__He2Y
If someone near you is injured and you need to carry them out of danger fast, use any of these two people techniques. These methods are some of the easiest ways for two people to transport a victim to safety. #guide #Mar16Coup Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/LoRwuqaj-7M
If someone near you is externally bleeding from a wound or injury there are four methods you should know. - Direct pressure - Elevation - Indirect pressure - Use of a tourniquet #guide #Mar17Coup Subscribe! ⬇️⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=W8u_Qp…
If someone near you is immobilized and you need to carry them out of danger fast, use the fireman's carry. This method is one of the easiest ways for one person to get a victim off the ground and to carry him or her. #guide #March12coup Subscribe! 👇 youtu.be/s-SDRPtRAzg
Basic preparedness for surviving an airstrike. #guide #howto #Mar27Coup Subscribe 👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Mbk8pV…
If someone has a severe, life-threatening hemorrhage that cannot be controlled by any other method here is how you can make a tourniquet. #guide #Mar15Coup Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/k3EaPyyKOo8
If someone around you has been shot, here are some methods to possibly prevent then from dying. Chances of survival improve the faster you get the victim in front of a doctor. #guide #Mar20Coup Subscribe!!👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=uPXpDx…
What to do during an airstrike. Simple steps that could increase survival. #howto #guide #Mar28Coup youtube.com/watch?v=FYFr7I…
If you are living in a warzone or conflict area identify the safest room in your home. A safe room serves the purpose of mitigating indirect risks, when people are not directly targeted. #guide #Mar26Coup Subscribe!👇 youtube.com/watch?v=ifAGPW…
This guide helps you identify burns and provide basic treatment. #howto #guide #Mar29Coup Subscribe!👇 youtube.com/watch?v=-xLMYs…
If you find yourself next to a live grenade these simple steps may help you survive. #guide #howto #Mar30Coup Subscribe!👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=jVI737…
When things are stressful take some measures to avoid emotional burnout. Try these tips to improve your mental health. #guide #howto #Apr7Coup youtube.com/watch?v=TkcTAb…
How To Recognize Propaganda And Seductive Coercion The following techniques or methods of coercion are the most common. Identifying them helps dissolve their influence and educate others. #howto #guide youtube.com/watch?v=Y5rF-l…
How To Recognize Propaganda And Seductive Coercion (Part 2) The following techniques or methods of coercion are the most common. Identifying them helps dissolve their influence and educate others. #howto #guide #April1Coup youtube.com/watch?v=2eQH7L…
A guide on how civil society can use the Magnitsky Act to sanction human rights violators. Chapter Two: Is Magnitsky suitable for my case? #howto #guide Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=gXBFiq…
How To Recognize Propaganda And Seductive Coercion (Part 3) The following techniques or methods of coercion are the most common. Identifying them helps dissolve their influence and educate others. #howto #guide #April2Coup Subscribe!👇 youtube.com/watch?v=9Yeggb…
A guide on how civil society can use the Magnitsky Act to sanction human rights violators. Chapter One: Making a submission. #howto #guide youtube.com/watch?v=AX4WG7…
A #guide on how civil society can use the #MagnitskyAct to sanction human rights violators. Chapter One: The Basics. Subscribe ⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=Jo4nP6…
A #guide on how civil society can use the #MagnitskyAct to sanction human rights violators. Chapter Two: Where should you file? Subscribe youtube.com/watch?v=CG5UR9…