A recap from yesterday across Myanmar, at least 459 people have been murdered since Feb 1. Toll is likely higher as the junta is reported to have launched airstrikes against KNU & border villages. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar28Coup #MilkTeaAlliance youtu.be/JE7JYESr55E?li…
A day after massacring 114 people the Myanmar junta continues its campaign of terror as it burns dozens of homes and attacks funerals. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar28Coup #MilkTeaAlliance youtube.com/watch?v=JE7JYE…
What to do during an airstrike. Simple steps that could increase survival. #howto #guide #Mar28Coup youtube.com/watch?v=FYFr7I…
Tw // threatening The military terrorists aim to shoot the house and civilians inside the house in Bago!!! Staying inside the house is not safe anymore because of them!!! JUNTA MASSACRE #Mar28Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Military Junta had killed more than 100 civilians ysd alone. Please save our lives, children, and future by donating to our elected legitimate Government, CRPH. As they banned the GoFundMe website, please Donate here: charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/… #Mar28Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
3月28日 ミャンマー第2の都市マンダレー。国軍兵士がネットを遮断している深夜に民家へ放火し少なくとも60軒以上が消失。消火しようとした人々を兵士は妨害した。やり方が3年半前のロヒンギャ虐殺に近づいてきた印象を受ける。#Mandalay #Mar28Coup twitter.com/nslwin/status/…
3月28日 ミャンマー国軍がヤンゴンのライン地区に列車に乗って来て民間人に向けて手榴弾を投げ無差別発砲。2名が負傷。日本がミャンマーとの友好のために譲渡したJR車両をテロに使うなよ!!#Mar28Coup #SaveMyanmar twitter.com/IrrawaddyNews/…