Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up #freedom
Travelling with cranes along the Loire valley #freedom #relax #flying
Surfing with Dolphins #freedom
The only good cage is an empty cage #freedom
Life is simple but we insist on making it complicated #freedom #Horses
IceSkating in Sweden #freedom
Iceskating in the Sky #freedom
3. So long as #HongKong continues to function as the gateway of global capital flowing into China, foreign companies and governments still have the leverage to call for more #HumanRights and #freedom protections.
Dancing in the Sky #freedom #mesmerizing
//People who decided to risk their safety to flee believe there is little chance of a fair trial under an independent judiciary. For them, picking the most perilous route is the only #hope to live a #life in #freedom.// #save12hkyouths
今天是 #美國獨立紀念日 244週年,我要獻上最大祝福,向 #民主#自由 致敬。#美國日快樂! This Fourth of July marks the 244th anniversary of #AmericanIndependenceDay. I wish to offer my best wishes and pay tribute to #democracy and #freedom. #HappyAmericaDay! #US #TAIWAN #HomeRun
This 10 year-old protester: it’s important for #HongKong to close the border to #China so as to stop the spread of #nCov2019 in #HK. “I came alone, my parents know but they are ok with me coming out. I don’t mind getting arrested, that’s expected when you stand up for #freedom
Thank you @SenJeffMerkley for supporting #HongKongHumanRightsAndDemocracyAct and making several amendments to perfect the bill which bans the US exporting crowd-control weapons to @hkpoliceforce ‼️ We will keep fighting for #democracy and #freedom 💪🏻 #StandWithHongKong
Grand cage escape of Houdini the cat! #freedom #Caturday
Camargue Horses Running in the ocean #freedom
White Camargue horses race along a river #freedom #Horses
Dancing in the Sky #freedom
I have a great pleasure to decorate Congressman @GreggHarper, a good friend of #Taiwan. Thank you for defending the values of #freedom & #democracy with us. I wish you the very best as you are going to retire after giving so much for the people of #Taiwan.
Today #China led #BurkinaFaso to sever diplomatic relations w/ #Taiwan. It will only bring Taiwan closer to countries that share our values: #democracy & #freedom. It will only strengthen our resolve to look towards the world, rather than across the Strait bit.ly/2KT1IiK
入野自由4thシングル「FREEDOM」ジャケット写真、SPOT等情報解禁されました🎥 自由さんらしい超絶COOLなMVになっているので是非お楽しみに‼️ 自分もダンサーとして出演させて頂きました🔥😎🔥 kiramune.jp/artist/irino/ #kiramune #入野自由 #freedom #キラミューン
This morning, the Dominican Republic switched diplomatic recognition from #Taiwan to #China. In light of this, I want to make clear: We will continue to safeguard our #freedom & #democracy. We will defend our own national interests. We will never bow to pressure from Beijing
I'm honored to decorate my friend Congresswoman @RosLehtinen for her tremendous accomplishments for #Taiwan. She has been an outspoken advocate for #freedom, #democracy & an inspiration for all to follow in her footsteps!