Protestors toppled statues of colonial leaders Queen Victoria & Queen Elizabeth over indigenous genocide & the recent discovery of mass graves containing children. #orangeshirtday #CancelCanadaDay #everychildmatters Read why the protests are happening: yac.news/blogs/news/cal…
Catholic Churches Are Being Burnt Down In Canada. #residentialschools #everychildmatters #HEATWAVEbc yac.news/blogs/protect/…
Scenes from Toronto as thousands march in honour of residential school victims and call for justice. (📹@Cate2pilates) 🧡 #orangeshirtday #CancelCanadaDay #everychildmatters Read why the protests are happening: yac.news/blogs/news/cal…
The truth about the indigenous genocide in Canada continues to unravel as more unmarked mass graves found. At least 160 graves were found on the former grounds of the Catholic Church operated Kuper Island Residential School. #genocide #everychildmatters yac.news/blogs/protect/…
At least 45 churches have been burnt down or vandalized in Canada by unknown arsonists. Indigenous leaders & Residential schools survivors call on arsonists to stop. It "is not in solidarity with us indigenous people" #everychildmatters #canadagenocide yac.news/blogs/news/ind…
As Canada reels from news of unmarked child graves at #residentialschools run by the Catholic Church, the Vatican refuses to apologize or cooperate. Now several Churches have been burnt to the ground. #everychildmatters Read here: yac.news/blogs/protect/… youtube.com/watch?v=WGXYVI…