Hundreds of bodies found at *another* residential school, ran by the Catholic Church, in Canada. "The Catholic Church ... carried out gynocides and involved itself in multiple genocides" worldwide. #genocide #residentialschools #CanadaDay #CancelCanadaDay yac.news/blogs/protect/…
More Churches burnt down in Canada as more mass graves found. From B.C. to Nova Scotia at least 6 churches have been set ablaze in Canada and a statue of Pope John Paul II outside an Edmonton Catholic church has also been painted red. #residentialschools yac.news/blogs/protect/…
Catholic Churches Are Being Burnt Down In Canada. #residentialschools #everychildmatters #HEATWAVEbc yac.news/blogs/protect/…
As Canada reels from news of unmarked child graves at #residentialschools run by the Catholic Church, the Vatican refuses to apologize or cooperate. Now several Churches have been burnt to the ground. #everychildmatters Read here: yac.news/blogs/protect/… youtube.com/watch?v=WGXYVI…
June 1st starts #NationalIndigenousHistoryMonth. After a mass grave holding 215 children was discovered, we call on Canada's government to provide resources to investigate other #residentialschools for more graves. Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=fB2YMy… Read: yac.news/blogs/start-he…
Canadian's are demanding the Catholic Church publicly apologize for #residentialschools & indigenous genocide. Lawyers across Canada formally requested that the ICC investigate the Vatican & Canadian government for crimes against humanity. Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=fB2YMy…