#Ermenistan Dışişleri Bakanı Mirzoyan’a #deprem felaketi sonrası verdikleri destek için teşekkür ettik. Thanked @AraratMirzoyan, FM of #Armenia, for their support after #earthquake disaster.
#Deprem sonrasında ülkemizle dayanışmasını güçlü şekilde gösteren dost ve kardeş #BosnaHersek’in Dışişleri Bakanı kardeşim Elmedin’e teşekkür ettik. Thanked my brother @DinoKonakovic, FM of friendly & brotherly #BiH, for their strong support to #Türkiye after #earthquake.🇹🇷🇧🇦
İnsanlar AK Parti Erdogan iktidarını böyle hatırlayacak! toplu mezarlar #earthquake #deprem #earthquakeinturkey
The efforts made by nurses Devlet Nizam and Gazel Callskan to protect the babies during the 7.7 magnitude #earthquake in a hospital in Gaziantep, Turkiye👏👏👏
[気象庁情報]14日 23時01分頃 新潟県下越沖(N37.9/E138.7)にて 最大震度2(M3.9)の地震が発生。 震源の深さは10km。#saigai #jishin #earthquake
#Depremin ardından #Türkiye’ye yardım gönderen ilk ülkelerden biri olan #İsrail’in Dışişleri Bakanı Eli Cohen’e dayanışma ziyareti için teşekkür ettik. Thanked for solidarity visit of @elicoh1, FM of #Israel, one of the first countries to extend support after #earthquake.🇹🇷🇮🇱
Deprem felaketi sonrası ülkemizi ziyaret ederek dayanışma gösteren #EkvatorGinesi Dışişleri Bakanı Simeón Oyono Esono Angué’ye teşekkür ettik. Thanked @AngueSimeon, FM of #EquatorialGuinea, for his solidarity visit to Türkiye in the aftermath of the #earthquake. 🇹🇷🇬🇶
Thanked #NikosDendias, FM of #Greece, for the support & solidarity of Greek state&people after the #earthquake disaster. Greece was one of the first countries to offer aid to Türkiye. In these difficult times, a neighbor extending a helping hand is a true neighbor.🇹🇷🇬🇷 📍Hatay
Miracle baby coming after 128 hours under the rubble… #earthquake #earthquakeinturkey #earthquakesyria
یک نوزاد پس از 120 ساعت گذراندن زیر آوار زنده بیرون کشیده شد #earthquake #earthquakeinsyria #earthquakeinturkey
İnsani İşlerden Sorumlu #BM Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı ve Acil Yardım Koordinatörüyle görüşerek BM ve bağlı kuruluşlarının #deprem bölgesindeki faaliyetlerini ele aldık. Discussed w/ Griffiths, @UNReliefChief, the activities of #UN & its agencies in the #earthquake zones.🇹🇷🇺🇳
Erdogan is ruling Turkey a direct DICTATORSHIP. He fears losing the coming election. #earthquake #TurkeySyriaEarthquake
Look at the facial expression, threats and grudges of the president of a country whose thousands of citizens died, tens of thousands of them were waiting for help under the rubble, and who died in the streets without hunger because they could not enter their homes. #earthquake
We got this message from @Zidane084 and these people after all the bombing they've been through by russia and assad regime in NW Syria, this earthquake came to destroy everything in NW Syria. We hope everyone RT this message so world can help them in NW Syria. #earthquake
ホワイトヘルメッツによって瓦礫の下から子供たちが救出される度に歓喜に沸く。 すごい映像。すごい光景。 #シリア #earthquake #EarthquakeInSyria twitter.com/mohammed_asakr…
My hearts and prayers are with the people of Türkiye and Syria during this unimaginably painful times. Please accept our sincere condolences. #TurkeyEarthquake #Turkiye #syriaearthquake #Syria #earthquake
سازمان بهداشت جهانی می گوید احتمالاً 20 هزار نفر در زلزله ترکیه و سوریه جان خود را از دست داده اند. #earthquake
トルコで発生した地震によりトルコとシリアで大きな被害が出ています。世界から救援が駆けつけていますが、どうか多くの方々が一刻も早く助け出されることをお祈りします。 Please pray for turkey and Syria people Turkey. #earthquake #Syria #PrayForTurkey #PrayforSyria #HelpTurkey #Help_Syria
Turkey hit by earthquakes with up to 7.9 magnitude and declared alert level 4. Many buildings in multiple cities collapsed. There are reportedly over 280 deaths in Turkey and 400 deaths in Syria.Lots of people are still under the rubble, thousands out in the cold. #earthquake twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
We are following the news of the #earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border region with deep concern. The number of victims is continuing to rise. We mourn with their loved ones and fear for those trapped under the rubble. Germany will be sure to send support. #Türkiye #Syria
おはよう、今週も始まるね 勝ちたい人必見だよ XAUUSD一週間“中期シナリオ配信“ 私の勝率が高いのは “新手法と分析力“があるから コレを見ないと損確定 「イイねとRT」思ったより多かったら 全員にシナリオ配信する! #FX #gold #投資 #我日キルキル #どうする家康 #Iran #btc #earthquake
【気象庁情報】29日 21時20分頃 神奈川県西部(N35.3/E139.3)にて 最大震度3(M4.8)の地震が発生。 震源の深さは150km。#saigai #jishin #earthquake
■■緊急地震速報(最終報)■■ 神奈川県東部で地震 最大震度 3(推定) [詳細] 2023/01/29 21:19:46発生 M4.7 深さ150km #earthquake #緊急地震速報
■■緊急地震速報(第5報)■■ 神奈川県東部で地震 最大震度 3(推定) [詳細] 2023/01/29 21:19:47発生 M4.7 深さ150km #earthquake #緊急地震速報