Meat eater 👄👅🍖🦴 An unfinished Catherine piece I was poking at on my iPad some time ago. #catherine #catherinefullbody #atlus #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday
Winter means @Tenvert's swimsuit Kiria #cutiesaturday
Here's a Marnie sketch for #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday that ended up fully colored (technically still Saturday here! ...wait off by a minute now orz) Might make this into a print. #marnie #MarniePokemon #PokemonSwordShield #pokemon #Morpeko #Nintendo
Ling Xiaoyu commission for skyresschan (IG) #TEKKEN #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday
Here's a quick Morrigan drawing, was trying out these Le Plume markers from @marvyuchida They are pretty neat ! #Darkstalkers #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday
Sirius // Belfast シリアスとベルファスト #cutiesaturday #アズールレーン ⁠ ⁠#AzurLane
I don't have too much to post for #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday today, but here's a sketch of my oni schoolgirl character Maki ! #OCArtistsConnect #OC
Honolulu ホノルル #cutiesaturday #アズールレーン ⁠ ⁠#AzurLane
A peek at the Hsien-ko I did for the recent Patreon poll. Ended up being a three way tie with Morrigan and BB Hood. I'll do Morrigan vs. BB Hood pic next~ Check out the full pic and many others on the Patreon! #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday #darkstalkers
The 4th member of Fem 4orce, Secretery, doesn't fight. Ended up in the group somehow. Keeps records sorted, and provides intel. Her own personal secret is she likes to collect Baybeenies. #inktober #Inktober2019 #Inktoberday19 #cutiesaturday #OC_tober #OC_tober2019 #ILoveMyOCs
Keroma (kero + chromatophore) another member of the Fem 4orce, Talon's group of mercenaries. The stealth type, can camouflage and become nearly invisible. #inktober #Inktober2019 #inktoberday20 #cutiesaturday #OC_tober #OC_tober2019 #ILoveMyOCs
Still catching up with #Inktober & wanted to post things for #cutiesaturday This is Talon, leads a group of mercenary ladies, known as Fem 4orce (cuz I like stupid names w/ numbers lol, though name pending) She can use her tail like a sword. #OC_tober #OC_tober2019 #ILoveMyOCs
Working on today's Inktober, but for now, here's something for #OC_tober and #cutiesaturday I'll try to show more ideas during #OC_tober2019 I haven't drawn Freya nor her crew from my Bride of En story lately, was poking at this over the past weeks on the ipad. #ILoveMyOCs
Honolulu ホノルル #cutiesaturday #アズールレーン⁠ ⁠#AzurLane
Apparently today is Bunny Day, and while I'm hellllla swamped right now, I do have this WIP from Easter that I didn't finish. I hope to some day owo; #バニーの日 #cutiesaturday #SmashBrosUltimate
Still catching up after AX, but here's a quick Bea break pic/WIP. Loving her design, it's very cool. Complimentary piece to the Nessa one I did earlier. Hopefully can finish for SDCC. #PokemonSwordShield #ポケットモンスター #Bea #サイトウ #cutiesaturday
I think I can post this, I see some of the others being revealed~ This is my contribution to the @gallerynucleus Spiderverse Exhibition. Opening reception tonight, 6-9pm. Come by to check it out, and all of the spectacular pieces! #IntoTheSpiderVerse #SpiderMan #cutiesaturday
Haven't done something for #cutiesaturday in a while. Colored another Tifa sketch I had, kinda kept the red gloves a bit / still fudging some of the new details, but still pretty fun to draw~ #FF7R #FF7リメイク #FFVIIRemake #tifa #TifaLockhart #ティファ・ロックハート #ティファ
Here's a sneak peek / preview / WIP of the piece I'm working on for @gallerynucleus 's upcoming #intothespiderverse gallery show. Also, you can see more Spider-Gwen sketches in my Patreon #cutiesaturday
Bismarck ビスマルク #cutiesaturday #アズールレーン⁠ ⁠#AzurLane