Morrigan 🦇 #darkstalkers
Morrigan and Lilith just having some "wholesome" succubus fun 💞🦇 #darkstalkers
🐈 Felicia ~ Darkstalkers 🐈 She’s been nyaaa~ughty! 💞 #felicia #darkstalkers #nsfw 💙 ALTERNATE NSFW NUDE VERSION is available on my Patreon! patreon.com/posts/44754693
Hsien-Ko / Lei-Lei and her big, meaty claws 💛⛓ #darkstalkers #hsienko #leilei
More again, colored some additional sketches for this month's Capcom theme on my Patreon #morrigan #darkstalkers #Capcom
Morrigan 🦇 Character voted by patreon 😳 #morrigan #darkstalkers
Just another artwork trapped in WIP hell. When will she be finished? Who knows… #Morrigan #darkstalkers
Q-bee from Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers💛 #darkstalkers #vampiresavior
そしてまた深夜から朝まで絵を描き続ける。^^; 私にしては珍しく何も着てないフェリシア。w #ヴァンパイア #darkstalkers
A peek at the Hsien-ko I did for the recent Patreon poll. Ended up being a three way tie with Morrigan and BB Hood. I'll do Morrigan vs. BB Hood pic next~ Check out the full pic and many others on the Patreon! patreon.com/o_8 #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday #darkstalkers
Meow! That’s “Here’s a commission for @JesuszillaS” in cat. 🐱 Inspired by Marilyn Monroe, we see another pop culture icon— Felicia— taking the stage! Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to draw such a lovable lady! 💖 #darkstalkers
最近忙しいのでなんとなくちょこちょこ気晴らしに描いてた落書きLilith🦇💦 #リリス #ヴァンパイア #darkstalkers #Lilith #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ
なにかと忙しくてちょっと久しぶりに描きました𖦹ω𖦹💦 #レイレイ #ヴァンパイア #darkstalkers #hsienko #leilei #格ゲーキャラ描こうぜ