lowiro様の音楽ゲーム「Arcaea」の収録曲「san skia」のイラストを担当させて頂きました! こちらはゲーム内のジャケットイラストです。 (無断転載・加工等はお控えください) #arcaea #arcaea_art
細かすぎて伝わらないArcaea 「Aegelseeker(FTR)の最後にぶっ飛んでくノーツご一行」 #arcaea
細かすぎて伝わらないArcaea 「Grievous Lady(FTR)の行ったり来たりしてるとこ」 Arcaea bizarre imitation 「Grievous Lady's Go and Back part」 #arcaea
Ver. 2.0のリリースからの韓国語と中国語の導入に伴い、それぞれの言語でもソーシャルメディアのアカウント運用をスタートします! - 韓国語(Twitter): twitter.com/arcaea_kr - 中国語(簡体字)(Bilibili): space.bilibili.com/404145357 繁体字中国語はFacebookポストに追加する形となります。 #arcaea
「Luminous Sky」配信開始まであと2日! そして天蓋の輝きもまた強く。 #arcaea
lowiroの皆さん、本当にお疲れ様でした…! 此れからの『Aracea』の進むその先も楽しみにしています。 #arcaea twitter.com/arcaea_jp/stat…
Arcaea v3.6.0 will add new Beyond difficulties for "Lost Civilization" and "next to you". White lilies bloom in a long-forgotten city that once hosted a grand people, for things will always regrow... #arcaea
2021 is—finally—here, and the Arcaea team comes bearing gifts to celebrate! Log into Arcaea in the next 24 hours to receive 100 Memories for free. Play a new song—on us! #arcaea
Hunger is never fully sated, for it always returns... On 1/20, Ayu will Awaken, and there isn't a single shard of glass that is safe from her—and her two friends. #arcaea
New in Arcaea version 3.5.3: decide your own ratings for all songs and charts in the game! Simply tap and swipe right on a song's difficulty to access authoritative controls that will allow you to bestow your opini-- your accurate judgement upon the game once and for all. #arcaea
Setting foot in the Memory Archive in v4.2 "NULL APOPHENIA" by N² A song for you, or who you believe you were. Belief has been at your back until now, emboldening you. No matter the adversity, no matter the heartache... ...You believe in yourself, don't you? #arcaea
Get ready to go berserk! The 2nd Groove Coaster collaboration will feature "BUCHiGiRE Berserker" by REDALiCE vs MASAKI as well as "Got hive of Ra" by E.G.G.! #arcaea
”Grievous Random”ボタンの異端なる力が尽きたようだ…。 本日より、Arcaea Ver. 1.6.1にてランダムボタンが解禁です。リスト上の曲からランダムに選曲していただけます。#arcaea
The look and feel of the story is going to be improved in some key ways in Arcaea 3.10. In addition to the reading experience being updated, more stories will include all-new artwork to go along with them in the mobile version of Arcaea on December 9th! #arcaea
As summer's breeze cools, it has one last surprise in store... Summer Ilith will invade the shores of Arcaea starting September 4! She will have a brand-new skill, and will be available for a limited time in World Mode. #arcaea
With the release of 3.0, new rewards will also be added to existing World Mode chapters: Scenery! Unlocking these will allow you to customize the background of the main menu and your profile card. #arcaea
1.5から遊べる無料の楽曲をさらに3つ紹介しちゃいます! #arcaea
Version 3.12.10 of Arcaea will release on May 25th, bringing 2 songs. First is "san skia" by ユアミトス, a free release. It tells a familiar and anguished story. The stars in the sky... sometimes they become crossed. ...So what, precisely, should await us after? #arcaea
Bringing the collaborations to a crescendo, two never-before-seen songs will be added to both Arcaea and CHUNITHM Next Ver. on the same day: - "AttraqtiA" by かめりあ - "Last Celebration" by Laur vs CK The trinity offers you this one final challenge... #arcaea
また、ArcaeaのストーリーはVer. 2.0より、韓国語と中国語(簡体字と繁体字のどちらも!)でもご利用して頂けます!お楽しみに! #arcaea
#arcaea アーケアやってる人にしか伝わらないやつ
Coolly sliding into the world of memories, Marija from Muse Dash will be added as a partner in the Arcaea x Muse Dash Collaboration Pack releasing on December 24th! Stay composed and stay stylish under this skilled musician's command. #arcaea #MuseDash
復刻『ミール』と復刻『ヴィータ』、 期間限定獲得マップの開催期間は、 以下となります。 【2023/6/12 09:00 - 2023/06/26 23:59】 お楽しみに。 #arcaea
Those who are remembered, and she who, in ambivalence, remembers... Arcaea's next update is coming soon... #arcaea
Who has guided you best along this way? Recall this, as in v4.0, you will now be able to set whichever Partners you've grown closest to as Favorites, set at the top of the Partners list to assist you at a moment's notice. Recall them, and be ready for what's to come. #arcaea