【 本日解禁 】 lowiro様の iOS/Android 音楽ゲームアプリ 「Arcaea」@arcaea_jp Arcaea 最終章、Ver. 4.0。 メインストーリーの終幕を飾る ラストソング 僭越ながら ボーカリスト:星熊南巫として 歌わせて頂きました。 "Testify" void (Mournfinale) feat. 星熊南巫 #arcaea #void #星熊南巫 twitter.com/arcaea_jp/stat…
[Important Notice] The 'Final Verdict' Song Pack requires completion of 'Black Fate' in order to access. You will need to obtain 'Black Fate' and complete its story by unlocking its contents and reading VS-8 before being able to unlock Final Verdict. #arcaea
#arcaea #arcaea_art #イラスト 奈実 ミルキーウェイッッ!!
加えて、Ver. 1.7.5からはパートナーの名前、レベル、入手日時、それと欠片やステップ効果などに応じて並べ替えるソート機能が追加されます。 #arcaea
熱い夏!8月到来のginkihaさん作曲、シエラ作画の新曲とともに、忘れがたい思い出を作りましょう! コミックマーケットC92に参加される方は、Auxesiaを先行プレイ可能!ぜひ足を運んでみてください #arcaea
#arcaea #arcaea_art 全然Arcaea民の気持ち
イベントの開催時間は【12/9 9:00 〜 12/16 23:59】の1週間となります! #arcaea
We've heard your requests and know you've been wanting this. In today's new Arcaea 2.6.1 update, you can now tap and hold World Mode to delete it from the game. Please enjoy the world of Arcaea minus the "world" part. #arcaea
The light of Arcaea joins Groove Coaster as a new star is born! Soar through a brand new world in Arcaea's next collaboration, now in development: Arcaea x Groove Coaster 4 Starlight Road, coming January 2019! Look forward to more details early next year! #arcaea #グルコス
A new Beyond difficulty will be added for "Party Vinyl" in Arcaea v4.1.6! The fast scratches of a classic challenge return for an all new trial. Can you keep up? #arcaea
Arcaea for Nintendo Switch is finally available on the eShop! Meet Shirahime, experience her story, and play the new Divided Heart songs with the Joy-Con controllers! Ready to see Arcaea in a whole new way? illust: シエラ #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
There are four days left before Arcaea releases on the Nintendo Switch eShop! illust: Softmode @Doomfest #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
This... This is not the end. The earth quakes. A fracture, widening... "Arcahv", by Feryquitious. The path forward is now visible. #arcaea
シラヒメ #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Climb higher and higher, until you reach the cosmos beyond... Luna and Eto's Awakenings will be joined by a brand new Pack Append to Binary Enfold: "Shared Time"! It will include three brand-new original songs to commemorate their long-awaited return. #arcaea
終焉を迎えるストーリーと新たなチャレンジ。『Arcaea(アーケア)』のディレクターが明かす本作に込められた想い app.famitsu.com/20220707_19721… #arcaea
第二の拡張パック「Crimson Solace」が、新キャラと共にアーケアにやってくる…?!続報に乞うご期待!! #arcaea
The 6th Anniversary update is here! A new song "PRIMITIVE LIGHTS" by TAG can be found in the Memory Archive, and "Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm" now has Beyond difficulty! And don't forget: a massive sale that lasts until 3/16 has begun! #arcaea6周年 #arcaea
Switch版Arcaea Ver. 1.3がリリース開始!Pack Append『Light of Salvation』とMuse Dashコラボパックに加えて、新パートナー『奈美』と『マリヤ』が登場! そんな新曲8つに加えて、さらにMemory Archiveとフリー楽曲、両方に4曲ずつ追加! ”光に向かって全力ダッシュ!” #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
The Arcaea x O.N.G.E.K.I. R.E.D. collaboration lands on December 17, including four stunning songs from O.N.G.E.K.I. A new type of battle that has never been seen before is quickly approaching Arcaea—prepare yourself! #arcaea
💠おしらせ💠 #arcaea 新曲 Infinite Strife, / BlackYooh vs. siromaru コーラスと曲中ボイスで参加しました🙏 いっぱいボーカル重ねましたよろしくお願いします! twitter.com/arcaea_jp/stat…
Arcaea turns four years old today! In the spirit of the occasion, for a limited time, an unfathomable amount of content is on sale at a discounted price! This is the time to pick up any song packs and Memory Archive songs you've had an eye on! #arcaea
cloister,Merry-go-round #arcaea_art #arcaea
#arcaea #アーケア #Testify ご報告です!!!! Testify Beyond 演出ありPURE MEMORY(max-35)!!!!!! 世界初!!!!!!そして全PM達成!!!!!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉 この後動画公開もします! 本当に感慨深いです、色んなことを語りたいけど… voidさん、星熊南巫さん、素敵な楽曲を本当にありがとうございました!!🙌