Machinery makes summer harvest across #Xinjiang more efficient.
Facts & figures about #Xinjiang's development in the past decades.
The “Panlong (Coiling Dragon) Ancient Road” in #Xinjiang, with more than 600 bends, turns deep chasms into a thoroughfare.
Apple, Nike face pressure over China Uighur ties – BBC News. #IPAC advisor @xu_xiuzhong has been leading research on the use of forced labour in #Xinjiang. bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
Fight against Terrorism and Extremism in #Xinjiang: Truth and Facts. ohchr.org/sites/default/…
#IPAC 🇪🇺🇫🇷 member @rglucks1 announces campaign for EU legislation to prevent human rights abuses in fashion supply chains, including the use of #Uyghur forced labour in #Xinjiang. twitter.com/rglucks1/statu…
Breaking! At Lianxing community at 104 Corps #Xinjiang, #CCPChina, public break into the Public Security Bureau after the police beat up someone. Later, because the leaders did not respond, the angry crowd gather in the community service center and shout “end the #lockdown!”
The #US Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act essentially deprives millions of cotton farmers & workers in #Xinjiang of their right to work, ruins their livelihoods, and undercuts the int'l industrial & supply chains.
1/ Think Tank @ASPI_org found that over 80000 #Uyghurs as forced labour from #Xinjiang’s #ReEducationCamp are forced to work in factories for 83 well-known global brands, including @Apple, @BMV, @Gap, @Nike, @Samsung, @Sony, @volkswagen and #Huawei.
Yesterday #IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair @IrwinCotler gave evidence to a Parliamentary hearing on abuses against Muslim Uyghurs in #Xinjiang. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
Over 300 swans now nest in #Korla, #Xinjiang during the winter season, turning the "city of pear blossoms" into a swan lake.
Students in Nanjing Media College gathered to mourn victims who died during the fire in #Urumqi #Xinjiang, as well the as all others who died during the #CCP’s #covid #lockdown. Something big is happening in #CCPChina as more and more people are standing up. HOPE! FREEDOM!
In #Xinjiang, the world's largest and best-preserved Populus euphratica forest is still shining its beauty to this planet.
2. ... disqualifying pro-democracy runners from elections, arresting students for online speeches, wanting non-Chinese activists overseas, building a city-wide DNA database just like #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang, to paving ways to impose a rubber-stamp legislature under its full control
Thank you @SecBlinken for again speaking out for #Taiwan. I applaud you for directly telling the #CCP's Yang that what is going on in #Xinjiang is genocide & crimes against humanity. We all need to tell #China & its leader this must stop. JW state.gov/secretary-blin…
#BREAKING ‼️ UN #Xinjiang report finally published seconds before end of High Commissioner for Human Rights @mbachelet’s tenure. I’ll reflect on contents in this thread. Report: ohchr.org/en/documents/c…
横田基地第374憲兵隊所属のゴードン軍曹は新疆ウイグル自治区で生まれ、孤児院で育ちました。ゴードン軍曹の生い立ちの物語です。 #新疆ウイグル自治区 #Xinjiang #USAF
3/ One of the laboratories, Sunrise Diagnostic Centre, is owned by BGI that is subject to #US’s sanction for involving in human rights crackdown in #Xinjiang and collecting DNA data from #Uyghurs.
With spring comes the time for seed sowing! Cotton planting in #Xinjiang has been made so intelligent and efficient with the use of unmanned tractors guided by BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.
Enjoy the dreamlike scenes of lakes in #Xinjiang. In every winter, it transforms into a magical paradise full of snow and ice.
Tragedies in #Xinjiang! Due to #ZeroCovid, the transhumance in Altay Prefecture can’t happen on time. Now herdsmen have to travel with animals through the mountains at a temperature<-20F! They would lose lives due to lack of clothes & help! CCP again suppressed the information 🤬 twitter.com/baojianella/st…
#Xinjiang cuisines, which one is your favorite?
More #Covid camps under construction in Korla, #Xinjiang, #CCPChina
When a regime is shameless enough, condemnation is not enough to solve the problem. #Xinjiang #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动