Sometimes my poems are a little sappy. #WorldPoetryDay
Hello pyjamas, hello bed. Time to rest my sleepy head. Goodbye day, good evening moon. Why do you always appear so soon? #WorldPoetryDay
Nom nom nom nom nom A fresh bouquet of bagels Pizza pizza yum #WorldPoetryDay
First it’s breakfast, tea and toast. I wonder who will eat the most? #WorldPoetryDay
Considering that it's #WorldPoetryDay We couldn't help but retweet and say: Hamas orchestrated these riots so that Israelis would die Calling them poetry readings is a flat out lie. twitter.com/IDF/status/110…
#今日は何の日 👀 『#世界詩デー』 英語表記は #WorldPoetryDay 文芸を増進するため、「詩」を通じて言語の多様性を促進し、全世界で言語による表現そのものを意識してゆこうという目的で制定された日です 歌詞を見ながら、「BB's Theme」を聴いてみませんか? 🎧buff.ly/3LwZyb3
詩人アルフレッド・テニスン卿の名詩をお楽しみ下さい… #世界詩歌記念日 #WorldPoetryDay
For #WorldPoetryDay, the great Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska’s “The End and the Beginning”, translated by Joanna Trzeciak. “After every war Someone has to clean up. Things won’t Straighten themselves up, after all…” poetryfoundation.org/poems/52955/th…