Over 220 Political Activists, Elected Government Officials, Union Election Committee members, even People in CivilServices such as teachers, doctors who are doing CDM on Military Juntas been forcefully arrested without warrant at night. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #CDM
This is really happening in Myanmar since February 01, 2021. @UN_HRC @UN_News_Centre #militarycoupinMyanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Russia (held hostage by the Putin regime), in its address on #Myanmar at the UN meeting, backs the new military junta. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb12Coup
He didn't mention human rights violations , oppression of free speech. He didn't mention police raiding and breaking into people's homes. He also didn't mention brutal crackdown of peaceful protests. Therefore, he is not representative of Myanmar people. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
One picture says it all. What is really happening in Myanmar 🇲🇲 #AgainstMyanmarMilitaryCoup #respectoutvotes #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectTheMilitaryCoup
Military government aired faked news from their channels and read the posters in each photo for “what is really happening now in Myanmar’s updates” #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectTheMilitary #SaveMyanmar
The translated version of the Cyber Security Law draft being pushed by the coup d'etat military. (📝@mrattkthu) This threatens Freedom of Expression and is a cowardly action to silence protesters. #Myanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb11Coup Thread: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1359729…