The translated version of the Cyber Security Law draft being pushed by the coup d'etat military. (📝@mrattkthu) This threatens Freedom of Expression and is a cowardly action to silence protesters. #Myanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb11Coup Thread: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1359729…
Military government aired faked news from their channels and read the posters in each photo for “what is really happening now in Myanmar’s updates” #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectTheMilitary #SaveMyanmar
One picture says it all. What is really happening in Myanmar 🇲🇲 #AgainstMyanmarMilitaryCoup #respectoutvotes #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectTheMilitaryCoup
He didn't mention human rights violations , oppression of free speech. He didn't mention police raiding and breaking into people's homes. He also didn't mention brutal crackdown of peaceful protests. Therefore, he is not representative of Myanmar people. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
Russia (held hostage by the Putin regime), in its address on #Myanmar at the UN meeting, backs the new military junta. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb12Coup
This is really happening in Myanmar since February 01, 2021. @UN_HRC @UN_News_Centre #militarycoupinMyanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Over 220 Political Activists, Elected Government Officials, Union Election Committee members, even People in CivilServices such as teachers, doctors who are doing CDM on Military Juntas been forcefully arrested without warrant at night. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #CDM
The sadness, hopelessness, and devastated feeling in their eyes 😢. Police and military in Myanmar have been forcefully arresting protesting civilians. Where is democracy in Myanmar now? We, people just want to live under justice and peace. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
A CRIME OF CHILD ABUSE HAD BEEN DONE BY MILITARY IN MYANMAR TODAY! (Full story at comment) #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Childabuse #against_the_military #Save_Myanmar
This is seriously really happening in Myanmar!! Release inmates and arrest innocent civilians. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyamar #MyanmarMilitaryarrestCDMdoctors #HumanRightsViolations #against_the_military
Mothers are carrying their kids and standing under the sun while peacefully protesting for democracy & justice for their generation for hours with fulls of hopes and sadness at the same time in their eyes in Myanmar. Day14 @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
Check the video !! It is next to star city, Yangon! WHO SHOT THIS FIRE ? #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
Several NLD members are trapped inside of the NLD’s building. the building is still surrounded by military and lots of civilians are demonstrating outside to release them NOW! In Yangon, Myanmar. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #NLD
Polices and military were hitting peaceful protesters in Mandalay ! Just happened now! Many protesters got injured! Source: fb.watch/3G1NeGX-O1/ #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
Military juntas were violating peaceful protesters in Mandalay. Source: Irrawaddy and other witnesses #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
polices and soldiers just grabbed whoever they want to and took peaceful protesters to jail. He was one of the victim, whom was taken by polices this afternoon in Mandalay. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
Military use tear gas and shoot over 50 gunshots at Mandalay Train Station. Some people are injured. Where is the safety? Why they want us to die? Where is Democracy? @UNHumanRights #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #CrimeAgainstHumanity
The local media stands with the Military Junta while the numbers of the innocent people who are arrested, beaten and whose houses were raided are increasing and more and more human rights were violated! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
《緬甸曼德勒快訊》 軍警在曼德勒河岸的行動中,至少射殺了一名男童,至少四十人受傷,當地人指被殺男童是直接被近距射頭。當地醫護想去抬走受傷人士,但照樣被槍擊。 而火燒市場則是發生在南部城填博葛禮,當地曾是零八風災時的重災區。 Via Ben Crox #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
A very powerful image. 你又會想起什麼畫面? #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar Photo by Pyae Sone Aung
Anonymous hits multiple junta cyber infrastructure in support for democracy and protesters. #Feb28Coup #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #milkteaallience #OpCCP twitter.com/YourAnonIRC/st…
The UN Security Council to discuss the Myanmar coup after the lethal crackdown this week. At least 10 Myanmar diplomats have turned on the junta and 600 police officers have defected. #R2PforMyanmar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Mar5Coup Subscribe! 👇👇 youtu.be/5JLan4BQkGQ
ミャンマー人がミャンマーの現状について伝えました。 動画の続きは、YouTubeからご覧ください。 【What Is Happening In Myanmar】いま、ミャンマーで起こっていること youtu.be/oOUVYhWw82Y via @YouTube #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #RejectMilitaryCoup #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar
橋の上が軍事車輌でいっぱいになっている。国民を抑えるのにこんなにも資金や軍事力を投じる必要があるのでしょうか?#RejectMilitaryCoup #SaveMyammar #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #March15Coup