이진혁의 ‘Splash!’를 지금 왕이뮤직에서 만나보세요! The album 'Splash!' has been released on Wangyi, so please listen to it a lot! ☀️ music.163.com/store/newalbum… #이진혁 #LEEJINHYUK #Splash #난장판 #Bedlam #왕이뮤직 #Wangyi #Netease #网易云音乐
[Dictators disguised as multilateralist] 1. While #Wangyi claims #China promotes multilateralism & peace, Wang just intimidated the democratic gov of #czechrepublic & warned its senate speaker @Vystrcil_Milos will pay a heavy price for his #Taiwan visit channelnewsasia.com/news/asia/chin…
6. Clearly, #Wangyi will now realize it is a mistake to completely shut the door on the city's dissents and kill all possibilities to make changes within the system, after his recent trip to Europe.