Good people were murdered while they prayed this weekend. I'm heartbroken & angry. We haven't eradicated hate, so we've got to stop making it so easy to weaponize it. #VoteThemOut
If your Senator doesn't support the right to vote for every American, then it’s not right to support that Senator with your vote. #VoteThemOut
I agree with @BetoORourke: We need real leaders who will enact real solutions, not corrupt politicians who put #GunsOverPeople. #VoteThemOut twitter.com/nowthisnews/st…
Today’s news sucks. But we’ve got to use this moment & let our outrage at this travesty strengthen our resolve to take back our country & build a better future. Be relentless. VOTE. #VoteThemOut Register to vote: vote.org Pledge to vote: actionsprout.io/6146F5
Last night, a swearing-in ceremony was held for Amy Coney Barrett at Trump's White House, and a swearing-to-vote-them-out ceremony was held everywhere else in America. #VoteThemOut npr.org/2020/10/26/927…
But it comes from the top. An administration guided by avarice & hate is the real problem and the only solution is to #VoteThemOut, then restructure our immigration/customs agencies to enact ethical, transparent policies that reflect our core American values.
おはようございます。本日投開票日の選挙のある地域の投票権のある皆様、選挙がんばってきてください! 投票は夜8時まで、整理券を忘れても身分証があれば投票できます。白票は最大勢力に賛同しているのと同じです。貴重な一票しっかり『使って』来て下さいね! #VoteThemOut #GoVote #選挙行こう twitter.com/Albizia_jewelr…