2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
POWER HOUR MASS VOTING ON #VMA NOW! It's POWER HOUR! please take advantage of the double vote. 20 VOTES per Account! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
POWER HOUR MASS VOTING ON #VMA NOW! It's POWER HOUR! please take advantage of the double vote. 20 VOTES per Account! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… @JYPETWICE
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
VMAのあいだ、タグ🏷投下してアーティストメンション増やしましょう☺️ タグリプやRTお願いします❤️‍🔥 My choice for Hot Trending Songs is #VMA  -nominated #MANIAC_SKZ by #StrayKids @Stray_Kids
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
🔥受賞式・カムバにむけて🔥 🗳投票チェックリスト 【投票】 ☆VMA(最優先) ▶mtv.com/vma/vote/video…  Best K-Pop部門 ☆TMA ▶FAN N STAR 歌手部門を優先 【票集め】 ☆Duck Ad bit.ly/3Ij6dC7 ☆IDOL CHAMP bit.ly/3P3rEZI 続く>>> #Straykids #VMA #TMA
MTV Video Music Awards 投票ガイド 下記、VMAのマニュアルです。複数アカでの投票にご協力お願いします🙇‍♀️ ⬇️投票 🔗 bit.ly/3PRM7RV #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #VMA @vmas #MANIAC #MANIAC_SKZ twitter.com/JstayVotingTea…
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
[VOTING] MTV VMA Votings resets at 1PM, KST! A few minutes left, Carats! Make sure to vote all your accounts for Seventeen in the MTV VMA Best New Artist. You can vote again after the reset ⚡ 🔗 mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… #SVTxCARATS_forVMAs #SEVENTEEN #VMA
I #VoteSEVENTEENVMA for #VMA Best New Artist, presented by @ExtraGum. Who are you voting for? Winner revealed tonight! 🚀
I #VoteSEVENTEENVMA for #VMA Best New Artist, presented by @ExtraGum. Who are you voting for? Winner revealed tonight! 🚀
I #VoteSEVENTEENVMA for #VMA Best New Artist, presented by @ExtraGum. Who are you voting for? Winner revealed tonight! 🚀
เหมือนได้รางวัลนักแสดงนำหญิงยอดเยี่ยมอยู่นะ ทรงได้มาก LISA WINS BEST KPOP #LalisaVMAsWin #VMA
🔔リマインダー🔔 #VMA 投票 📣Best K-Pop #スキズ の初ノミネート‼️ ✅ #StrayKids / #MANIAC に投票 - 複数アカにて投票可能 - 1回1アカ10票まで投票可能 - 切替は画面下の「Log Out」から - 毎日、日本時間13:00でリセット STAY ファイティン!! 💚🔩 ⬇️投票 🔗bit.ly/3PRM7RV twitter.com/JstayVotingTea…
@MTV @BTS_twt @vmas VOTE FOR BTS #VMA completely addicted with #YetToCome by #BTS from the album #BTS_Proof. @BTS_twt