全米最大級の音楽授賞式VMAに スキズの #MANIAC がノミネート✨️ 🇺🇸時間でD-2に突入🔥 投票締切は8/20(土)7時(🇯🇵時間)‼️ ❤️‍🔥投票数2倍のPOWER HOUR❤️‍🔥 8/18(木)2時~3時 8/19(金)2時~3時 8/19(金)13時~8/20(土)7時の18時間 #StrayKids #VMAs #VMA twitter.com/jstayvotingtea…
POWER HOUR MASS VOTING ON #VMA NOW! It's POWER HOUR! please take advantage of the double vote. 20 VOTES per Account! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… @JYPETWICE
POWER HOUR MASS VOTING ON #VMA NOW! It's POWER HOUR! please take advantage of the double vote. 20 VOTES per Account! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… @JYPETWICE
🗳️🏆 @BTS_twt "PERMISSION TO DANCE" is nominated for "BEST CHOREOGRAPHY (non-votable category) at the #VMA 2022.
POWER HOUR MASS VOTING ON #VMA NOW! It's POWER HOUR! please take advantage of the double vote. 20 VOTES per Account! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… @JYPETWICE
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
POWER HOUR MASS VOTING ON #VMA NOW! It's POWER HOUR! please take advantage of the double vote. 20 VOTES per Account! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
นางแบบท่านหนึ่ง ที่ได้รางวัล Best K-Pop สวยเป๊ะมาก @MTV @celineofficial @Bulgariofficial #VMAs #LISA #LALISA #MONEY #BLACKPINK  #VMA  🔗instagram.com/p/Ch8aJc_v_u3/
I #VoteSEVENTEENVMA for #VMA Best New Artist, presented by @ExtraGum. Who are you voting for? Winner revealed tonight! 🚀
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA is ongoing, we hope ONCEs who have free time around this hour will join in voting. Few days left to vote and it seems like we're losing voters for this each day, please keep voting. Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof @JYPETWICE
Only 4️⃣ days to go until the #VMA! Who are you most excited to see perform? #VMAs #BLACKPINK #JBALVIN #NickiMinaj #YungGravy
【見逃した方は必見👀】 先日開催された「2020 MTV Video Music Awards」を9/5(土)20:00から再放送します🏆 🔽詳細&視聴方法はこちら🔽💁 mtvjapan.com/news/df7r6u/vi… #ArianaGrande #BlackEyedPeas #BTS #BTS_Dynamite #CNCO #DaBaby #DojaCat #LadyGaGa #Maluma #MileyCyrus #TheWeeknd #VMAs #VMA
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
BTS is nominated for 4 categories at the #VMA • Best K-Pop (VOTINGS OPEN) • Best Metaverse Performance (VOTINGS OPEN) • Best Visual Effects "My Universe" • Best Choreography "Permission To Dance" USE ALL YOUR ACCS AND DROP 20 VOTES: mtv.com/vma/vote/
🗳️🏆 @BTS_twt & @coldplay "MY UNIVERSE" is nominated for "BEST VISUAL EFFECTS (non-votable category) at the #VMA 2022
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
2ND WAVE MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! If you haven't casted yet your votes for today, this is your cue. To those who still have acc to vote, join too! [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE
RESET MASS VOTING ON #VMA has started! You can cast again the accounts you have voted from yesterday until 12:59PM KST today. [Vote #TWICE "The Feels" on VMA Best K-Pop Category] Vote here: mtv.com/vma/vote/best-… Drop your proof 👇 @JYPETWICE