Unless you are #Uyghur Unless it’s in the Uyghur language Unless you mention Tiananmen Square Given we are on the subject, Theo, what exactly are ByteDance’s obligations under the PRC’s 2017 National Intelligence Law? Or don’t you know? twitter.com/theobertram/st…
US blocks imports of cotton and tomato products from the #Uyghur Region over anti-Muslim atrocities. Trade war or not, this is the right decision. Beggars belief that it didn’t happen sooner and that others haven’t yet done the same. #Closethecamps reuters.com/article/us-usa…
ウイグル族の中には、留学や仕事などで海外に暮らす人もいて、日本にも2000人から3000人ほどが住んでいると言う。 そして今、海外で暮らすウイグル族に、当局から圧力がかけれている実態が明らかになってきた。 #Uyghur #ウイグル
#EidMubarak to all my Muslim friends in around the world especially my #Uyghur, #Rohingya, #Myanmar/#Burma Muslim, Indonesian and Malaysian Muslim, and Ahmadiyya, brothers and sisters ! #eidmubarak2021
Kemarin ribuan warga Inggris di kota London dan Manchester menggelar aksi solidaritas untuk muslim #Uyghur. Mereka mengecam tindakan #Genosida yang dilakukan oleh Komunis China terhadap muslim Uyghur di Turkistan Timur (Xinjiang). #Stand4Uyghurs #FreeUyghurs #SaveUyghur
🇮🇳インドメディア、#ウイグル 強制収容所について積極的に報道している。 【習近平(Xi)】と【ヒトラー(Hitler)】をかけて【XI-TLER】って書いてるね。 #Uyghur #Xitler #XiJinpingHitler
Felt a bit mean for this. But then I remembered the #Uyghur concentration camps and #HongKong and quickly got over it.
「中国人でもウイグル人のことを理解している人は少ない。多くの人は、教科書に書いてある通り、果物や野菜を育てていて、火の周りで歌ったり踊ったりする楽観的な民族だと思っている」#ウイグル #Uyghur アメリカに亡命した19歳のウイグル人少女の告白(クーリエ・ジャポン) news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/d0af5…
中国共産党がウイグル人に対する建てられた強制収容施設に560万人以上のウイグル人が裁判を経ずに収監されています。 抑圧的な監視や大規模な恣意的拘束、拷問、虐待、虐殺、不妊手術、強制労働とそれに従事する人々のウイグルから中国各地への大量移送されています。 #ウイグルジェノサイド #Uyghur
Xi seized #HongKong. Got away with it. Now boasting about it. Perpetrated #Uyghur genocide. Got away with it. We’ve learned no lessons. When he comes for #Taiwan, we will have ourselves to blame. reuters.com/world/china/ch…
#IPAC 🇪🇺🇫🇷 member @rglucks1 announces campaign for EU legislation to prevent human rights abuses in fashion supply chains, including the use of #Uyghur forced labour in #Xinjiang. twitter.com/rglucks1/statu…
Seems UK will deploy any excuse to normalise 🇨🇳🇬🇧 relations First it was climate change (PRC doesn’t care), now, ludicrously, the Taliban? What’s the ⁦@FCDOGovUK⁩ smoking?! Meanwhile, the #Uyghur genocide + 🇭🇰 destruction rages and we do nothing. reuters.com/world/uk-says-…
中国共産党の #ウイグル強制収容所 で作られた製品の紹介で、強制的に不妊になったウイグルの女性たちが作った100%ウイグルグッズを買わないように心からお願い致します。 Erected in a Chinese concentration camps in Uyghur. 100% Uyghur goods made by forcibly infertile #Uyghur women.
Fascinating rumour in Westminster Bubble at the mo: @DominicRaab apparently had five Magnitsky sanctions prepared for #Uyghur persecuting Chinese officials but was blocked from announcing them in January by Number Ten.
「私の身に起きたこと~とあるウズベク人女性の証言~」英語版動画です。制作は小林和登史様@kazkobayashi<(_ _)>英語圏で広がりますように🙏🏻 WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME ~THE TESTIMONY OF AN UZBEK WOMAN ~ UYGHUR conce... #ウイグル #Uyghur #UyghurGenocide youtu.be/URxQ-PvBGYk
Thinking of #Uyghur friends today who have to read headlines like this while the world does nothing. “We hung Uyghurs from ceilings and ordered their rape” apple.news/A1kAAbon5QMKHy…
It is now becoming the consensus view that the Chinese Government is committing genocide against the #Uyghur people. The UK refuses to use the word genocide without a court ruling, even though it knows such a ruling is impossible. Immoral. amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/09…
The Japan Institute for National Fundamentals (JINF) placed an advocacy ad on the issue of #China’s #HumanRights abuses of #Xinjiang #Uyghur in two Japanese national dailies, Yomiuri Shimbun and Sankei Shimbun, on the October 23rd... en.jinf.jp/suggestion/arc…
彼らの話を聞いて、驚きませんか 300万以上のウイグル人がアイデンディティを理由に強制収容され、強姦、殺された遺体から臓器を摘出売買、何百年の歴史がある伝統な建物、モスク等が破壊され、文化的ジェノサイドで絶滅の危機に瀕している。皆様、拡散だけでも助かります #China_is_terrorist #Uyghur
#IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chair Louisa Wall MP calls for New Zealand to enact modern slavery legislation to prevent the import of goods tainted by #Uyghur forced labour. newshub.co.nz/home/politics/…
Stanley Johnson, unperturbed by atrocities in the #Uyghur Region or the UK’s obligations to #HongKong intervenes to put pressure on his son @BorisJohnson to ignore them, too. Pretty ugly stuff. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9…
IPAC Co-Chair @MPIainDS asks his Urgent Question after adviser @adrianzenz new report into forced #Uyghur labour in the cotton industry.
Courageous article by @MahmutRahima - nobody in the UK has done more to uphold #Uyghur rights. telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/03/1…
Muslim Uyghur Australia: "Ada perwakilan rakyat Indonesia yang meminta maaf kepada kami atas keputusan pemerintah RI yang menolak debat soal Genosida #Uyghur di dewan HAM PBB. Pemerintah RI bukan lagi bagian dari komunitas Muslim..." sbs.com.au/news/article/a… #UyghurGenocide
I’m absolutely sick of people denying the #Uyghur genocide because of some barely considered stuff about ‘intent’. “You can’t say ‘genocide’, Mr de Pulford, because that requires proving intent, dontcha know, and that’s really tough” 🙄 Not just tough, guys. Impossible.....