The last quote is from my book #UnfreeSpeech (hyperurl.co/unfreespeech) Thank you for the translation from @samuelharrendel
(twitter.com/i/status/13066…). Here is the Chinese version: facebook.com/20097647999486…
It's my pleasure to speak with @OwenJones84 on my newly released book #UnfreeSpeech. I wish to bring the voice of HKers to global community under the crackdown of Beijing. twitter.com/OwenJones84/st…
5/ Hope Is the Most Powerful Arrow: A Conversation with Joshua Wong on #UnfreeSpeech worldliteraturetoday.org/blog/interview…
More about my book: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
[Speech is never free in a place under authoritarian rule]
1/ My just-released book, #UnfreeSpeech was part of my contemplation when I was in jail. Speech is never free, especially when you face imprisonment & deprivation of your rights for defying unjust laws and orders.
5/ Standing with Hong Kong: An Interview with Joshua Wong, authors of #UnfreeSpeech, discuss free speech in Hong Kong, coronavirus, and the role of literature in campaigning for global democracy: pentransmissions.com/2020/03/31/sta…
More about my book: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
5/ *Standing with Hong Kong: An Interview with Joshua Wong, authors of #UnfreeSpeech, discuss free speech in Hong Kong, coronavirus, and the role of literature in campaigning for global democracy: pentransmissions.com/2020/03/31/sta…
More about my book: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
I went to #MartinLee’s legal firm to give him a copy of my new book #UnfreeSpeech. My warmest thanks go to Martin, the Father of Democracy in HK, who taught me everything I know in international advocacy and continues to guide me to this day. hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
"Hong Kong is at an Existential Crossroads." From #UnfreeSpeech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act, Now by Joshua Wong with @jasonyng: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
‘Joshua Wong is a brave and inspiring young leader. Together we are one loud voice that cannot be silenced.' –@GretaThunberg, climate change activist & bestselling author of #NoOneIsTooSmalltoMakeaDifference
Thank you for #Greta endorsing #UnfreeSpeech: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech!
"The Rest of the world to pay close heed to what is happening in East Asia, as the infinity war that has ravaged HK for years may soon be coming to a political theatre near you."
#UnfreeSpeech by Joshua & @Jasonyng is published by @PenguinBooks: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
HK’s pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong sits down with @Monocle24 Monocle to talk about protest, autonomy and his new book #UnfreeSpeech: hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
Five ideas to counter the danger of populism from my new book #UnfreeSpeech:hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
[#UnfreeSpeech by Joshua Wong review – a call to arms for the Snapchat generation]
My first book with @Jasonyng in English, #UnfreeSpeech is out in a couple of weeks. It is an important and urgent manifesto for global democracy.
UK: penguin.co.uk/books/1119445/…
US: penguinrandomhouse.com/books/639515/u…