In the 90s, separatists declared Kosovo's independence. Until today, some 4000 NATO (KFOR) and US troops are stationed there to "guarantee peace". And I didn't see any fuss from the western media... If NATO and the US can support separatists, why not Russia? #UkraineRussiaCrisis
#ウクライナ に平和を」。日本に住むウクライナ出身の人たちが東京・渋谷に集まり、国歌を歌い、国旗をなびかせながら、ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻に抗議しました(撮影・喜多信司) #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaCrisis
The United States has been waging war for a long time! Vietnam, Korea, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria... Now it's Putin's turn to remind the world that Russia also knows the language of gunpowder! @brasil247 #UkraineRussiaCrisis