🚨Important message to Russian soldiers, svar your lives and leave #Ukraine 🇺🇦 now #UkrainianArmy #RussianArmy
Today #Ukraine celebrates Tanker Day. So i will show you our very own Tank Girl ❤️
🇺🇦Good morning! its day 202 in #Ukraine Soon we will all be together again❤️
🇺🇦Boy wants to donate his pocket money to soldiers in #Ukraine. They refuse and gets a bracelet instead❤️
🍭Lollypops, bracelets &👊fist bumps for the kids in #Ukraine🇺🇦
90 Minuten Telefonat mit #Putin: Russland muss seine Truppen aus der #Ukraine zurückziehen und die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität anerkennen. Anders ist eine diplomatische Lösung nicht vorstellbar.
90 minutes phone call with #Putin: Russia must withdraw its troops from #Ukraine and recognize its sovereignty and territorial integrity. There is no other way to imagine a diplomatic solution.
Hey 🇷🇺orcs, Mari will F... you in every position in #Ukraine❤️🇺🇦
🇺🇦Good Morning, its day 203 in #Ukraine and this is what we think of russian occupation
#CCP's No 3 leader, #XiJinping's buddy #LiZhanshu offers #Russia understanding and support, and admits that #CCP has offered support by coordinated actions (策應) in many ways. CCP understands why #Russia had to invade #Ukraine. Video released by Russia's State Duma.
🧸Forget teddy bears, this is what every girl in #Ukraine wants for Christmas!❤️
🇺🇦Good Morning, its day 204 in #Ukraine and many children who have fled are dreaming of the day they can return home❤️
🇺🇦Combat medic Kateryna wants you to know that victory is near in #Ukraine❤️
🇺🇦Our soldiers take the kids for a ride in #Ukraine❤️
🇺🇦Good Morning, its day 205 in #Ukraine. There is a lot of darkness, but we look forward to the light❤️
🇺🇦12 year old Solomiya loves art, so she sells her paintings to help the Armed Forces of #Ukraine❤️
Today i can not look at any more news, i have seen too much death and destruction. I am exhausted so i will say goodnight to you all and leave you with some beautiful children singing❤️ 🇺🇦#Ukraine will endure!
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 207 in #Ukraine For every innocent life lost, for every home turned to ashes, for every abandoned animal. I don't want to succumb to fear and sadness. Pain and anger is what I feel. They are what makes me strong now❤️
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 208 in #Ukraine This song is a lullaby of a mother rocking her baby in a shelter. The mother sings, swallowing tears of despair and pain from the reality in which her child is forced to live. Song by Tankataka. Performed by Cristina Goat❤️
🇺🇦People were just crying when they saw the Armed Forces of #Ukraine after they liberated Sviatohirsk❤️
Thanks to all countries and to all volunteers who came to #Ukraine to defend Ukraine and ”Freedom” 🇫🇷🇧🇾🇸🇾🇭🇷🇬🇪🇬🇧🇷🇴🇺🇸🇨🇦🇵🇱🇩🇪🇳🇬🇲🇰🇫🇮🇵🇹🇱🇹🇦🇱🇽🇰🇧🇦🇳🇴🇩🇰🇦🇺🇪🇪❤️ #UkrainianArmy 🇺🇦
💥War through the eyes of children in #Ukraine🇺🇦
Wenn wir wollen, dass Putins Krieg endet, dann kann es uns nicht egal sein, wie er endet. Deshalb werden wir keinen russischen Diktatfrieden akzeptieren – und auch keine Schein-Referenden. Deshalb muss die #Ukraine Russlands Überfall abwehren können. @UN #UNGA
If we want Putin‘s war to end, then we cannot be indifferent to how it ends. This is why we will not accept a peace dictated by Russia – and we will not accept any sham referendums either. This is why #Ukraine must be able to defend itself against Russia’s invasion. #UNGA
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 210 in #Ukraine All i can say to #russia is... BRING IT ON! You cant send slaves to liberate free people❤️