Our appreciation to @JakeSullivan46 for stating #US🇺🇸 support of #Taiwan🇹🇼 & deep concern over activities that are "fundamentally destabilizing." We'll keep working with the U.S. & other like-minded partners in promoting peace, security & prosperity.
Awesome to meet with @MichelleWKwan, #US Ambassador to #Belize, at @JohnBricenoBZE’s dinner party. She was an idol for millions of people in #Taiwan & around the world, me included, as a world champion figure skater. So nice to meet you in person, Michelle! JW
#美國政府提供我國75萬劑COVID19疫苗 #臺美友好
💗感謝美國政府提供臺灣 75 萬劑 COVID-19 疫苗💗
Thank you #US for the donation of 750,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses to #Taiwan.
Ex-Vice President Chen is representing #Taiwan at the 2nd #GlobalCOVIDSummit! We're proud to take part again in this important event with hosts the #US, ally #Belize, #Germany, #Indonesia, #Senegal & other partners. Combating #Coronavirus needs a global response & #TaiwanCanHelp!
Thank you my friend, Chairman Armitage, for the unwavering commitment to #Taiwan & our shared values. We truly cherish your support of our enduring partnership with the #US. twitter.com/Project2049/st…
It is actually the #US that is not being transparent, responsible&cooperative on this issue. The US has been refusing to respond to the international community’s reasonable doubts on the #FortDetrick biolab & the 200+ overseas bases for biological experiments.
"Many in the #Muslim world, in particular, think #America practices double standards. Thousands of civilians died in #Iraq and #Afghanistan from #US munitions".
Thank you, @SenRickScott. Your strong stance means a lot. #China's #PLA jets crossing the #Taiwan Strait median line is provocative, dangerous & snubs #US efforts to maintain status quo. Appeasement only invites aggression. We must lock eyes with the bully & say: Back off! JW twitter.com/SenRickScott/s…
Visiting good friends is far from abnormal! Vice Minister Yui welcomed the bipartisan #US🇺🇸 House delegation to #Taiwan🇹🇼, comprising Foreign Affairs Committee Chair @RepMcCaul, @RepYoungKim, @RepBera, @RepFrenchHill, @GReschenthaler, @RepDean, @lawler4ny & @moran4congress.
Rock-solid support is about the numbers. 425 yeas, 0 nays: H.R. 1145 is on its way to @POTUS! We deeply appreciate bipartisan backing of friends in the #US🇺🇸 House & Senate for the bill to direct @SecBlinken to develop a strategy to regain observer status for #Taiwan🇹🇼 ... (1/2) twitter.com/RepYoungKim/st…
Poster child in fighting #COVID19? champion of democracy? advocate of free market? or guardian of peace? Nothing but all lies of the #US.
#Taiwan is a beacon of freedom, democracy & human rights. @RepTedYoho's Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act defends this achievement, & is a vote of #US confidence in the country & the people. We thank the @HouseForeign member for his friendship & support.
➡️bit.ly/3jVz96j twitter.com/RepTedYoho/sta…
With taxpayers' money, #US lawmakers ignore the 800,000+ lives lost to #COVID, the groans of people like George Floyd and the broken families due to #gunviolence. Instead, they have raised 300+ bills in 2021 targeting #China based on lies and political prejudice.
Deputy Minister Tien welcomed #Taiwan's🇹🇼 steadfast friend @RepStephMurphy and her 7 colleagues from #US🇺🇸 House of Representatives. We wish the bipartisan delegation a productive 3-day visit further enhancing our bilateral relations, regional security & economic cooperation.
Mr Assange was charged for revealing how the #US military had killed 15,000+ civilians in unreported incidents during the #Iraqwar, tortured foreign nationals aged 14-89 in #Guantanamo ...
Director Yang Jiechi: "The recent actions of the current #US administration on the #Taiwan question are obviously not consistent with its statements." "#China urges the US not to go further down the road of great danger."
The so-called “Clean Network” of the #US is nothing but an invisibility cloak to hide its true face of “hacking empire”.
Our gratitude to the #US for highlighting #Taiwan's role as a leading regional partner in building a free, open, connected, prosperous, resilient & secure #IndoPacific, as well as the importance of maintaining peace & stability across the Taiwan Strait. We're #StrongerTogether! twitter.com/StateDept/stat…
The lies and remorselessness are shattering the credibility of the self-claimed "beacon of human rights". Those #US officials should wake up from the world of their own imagination & glorification.
Minister Wu, AIT Director Christensen & JTEA Rep. Izumi celebrated the #Taiwan-#US-#Japan #GCTF's 5th anniversary with friends from like-minded #IndoPacific partners. We look forward to sharing more of the country's experiences with other democracies via the cooperation platform.
Staunch #US🇺🇸 support for #Lithuania🇱🇹 & #Taiwan🇹🇼 from @SenatorRisch & @SenatorShaheen! We applaud the bipartisan resolution commending the #EU🇪🇺 member state for strengthening ties with our country & standing firm in the face of #CCP coercion.
Read more▶️bit.ly/31t5m04 twitter.com/SenateForeign/…
We sincerely thank the #US🇺🇸 for its friendship & rock-solid support. #Taiwan🇹🇼 will keep working with fellow forces for good in defending shared values like freedom, democracy & respect for human rights while upholding rules-based order in the #IndoPacific & around the world. twitter.com/StateDeptSpox/…