Given the announced international pressures of wind blowing on #Ethiopia, it is not difficult to see how far & to what end these wide claims to victory are exaggerated by the TPLF propagandists recently i.e. WAR NOT PEACE!! #Eritrea #UNSC #AU #EU #Somalia エリトリア エチオピア
AGGRESSION WILL NOT BE REWARDED…NO DOUBT ABOUT IT: TPLF “divine right” to wage ethnic based cross border war & declared aggression on Nov2020 ends where its nose ends & the nose of #Eritrea and #Ethiopia begin. #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #エチオピア エリトリア
1991 when Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) controlled #Ethiopia & National Islamic Front (NIF) controlled #Sudan who didn’t for see terrorism spreading all over the Horn of Afrika & beyond @DrTedros #WHO #COVID19 #UNSC #UNGA リトリア エチオピア #Eritrea learned history
A simple student who scratched the records of the Horn of Africa (#Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan) will be bewildered by direct/proxy unjustified interferences of the oil sisters/brothers during and after the Cold War and colonial period #UNSC #AUC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
RPTD PLEASE BE AWARE #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #WHO
#AlJazeera IS THIS THE TUNING FORK OF DIPLOMACY? Sept 2 the US State Department states “US is committed to the unity, sovereignty & territorial integrity of #Ethiopia.” Sept 11 Tigray warlords announce “readiness for peace talks.” #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
TIMKET COME AND SEE #ERITREA Where harmony is the major denomination and order-of-the-day in the long history of the country. #UNSC #EU_Commission エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopia #UNSG #AU_Commission facebook.com/23529211315218…
The pre condition of #Eritrea‘s long history of struggle remains constant: YES to peaceful dialogue & political solutions. NO to aggression, war and diplomatic coercion which includes & does not exclude Russia Ukraine or any other member of UN #UNSC #AU #EU エチオピア エリトリア
BE AWARE OF THE DEVILS WORKSHOP CALLED TPLF!Listen carefully to this conversation of how they intimidate UN staff in their assignments/missions related to the crisis in administration zone of #Ethiopia Tigray #UNSC #AU #Eritrea #UNSG エリトリア エチオピア youtu.be/PR69xdCywF4
NOw &’IN FUTURE: there is no if and but about “disarmament of Tigrayan combatants” for law, order, peace and stability to prevail in the Horn of Africa #Eritres #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #USAfricaLeadersSummit22 #UNSC
VISIT THE ARCH-DECO CAPITAL OF AFRICA - ASMARA - Join Timket January 19 - a public holiday & festival occasion in #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア #Ethiopa #UNSC #UNSG #EU #UNHRC #TICAD8 Parr 1 youtu.be/JkZwAlgm6Fw Part 2 youtu.be/UScR0HjdRGQ
Nov. 23, 1974: Gen. Aman Andom, an #Ethiopia/n citizen of Eritrean origin was killed in cold blood, surrounded with tanks in his residence after refusing to change his stand for a peaceful resolution of the #Eritrea/n question #UNSC エリトリア エチオピアyoutu.be/F4bdLRBJKEw
The vegetative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights #HRC52 members voted which included #Eritrea & #Ethiopia エチオピア エリトリア #AfricanUnion #UNSC
THE Q IS: IS IT CHANGING: Who doesn’t know that Africa’s regional war & peace has alway been pegged on #Ethiopia & #SouthAfrica the epicenters of super powers pride, prejudice, war, conflict & influence zones since1941 #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #Eritrea #Somalia エチオピア エリトリア
SUDAN PEACE DOOR President ISAIAS stated #Eritrea’s policy is always anchored on Sudanese solution to the conflict in Sudan-duly supported by #IGAD-in view of its past history & future prospectives of nation building エチオピア エリトリア #UNSC @shabait shabait.com/2023/05/01/int…
HISTORIC: (1941) God bestowed & General Platt’s helped Emperor Haile Sellasie’s rule->(1975) WARSAW & military rule->(1991) NATO & Tigray ethnic rule gave way->in (2021) #Ethiopia to new sovereign, inclusive & democratic stage of rule. #EU #AU #UNSC #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
Enabled fully to build an illegitimate army-with fill of plunder and land from rest of the country-provided with weapons essential to his plans, King John II of Tigray aka Aboy Sibhat started ugly war against #Eritrea & #Ethiopia on Nov 2020 #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
EVERY METER OF #Eritrea #Ethiopia IS THE LANDMARK OF OUR BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS: Father & son duet sing in pride & harmony their deep respect to forefathers & comrades in arms for freedom & dignity STOP & LiSTEN エチオピア エリトリ facebook.com/23529211315218… #UNSC
WE DO REMEMBER QUEEN ELIZABETH’S VISIT TO #Eritrea IN 1965: Her Majesty was given a warm welcome by the population. Mayor Harogot bestowed her with a key to the city of Asmara.Mention of Eritrea (taboo) in a speech she made thrilled us. RIP #BBC #CNN #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
Q IN CENTURY IS: Isn’t #Ethiopia a sufficiently matured nation in Africa to be prescribed/imposed with King John’s violent medieval ethnocentric mindset of Tigray i.e.ሰብ:(human)ስብያ ስብ: (related to human) ኣንካንኪኖስ: (outcast)? #Eritrea #UNSC #EU エリトリア エチオピア
PEACE NOW: The Marxist Leninist League of Tigray’s MLLT) aka Tigray Peoples Liberation Front’s (TPLF) illegal ethnic agendas of dismembering #Eritrea #Ethiopa #Somalia #Sudan is too wrong for too long that must be stopped yesterday #UNSC #AU #EU エリトリア エチオピア
After Tigray Peoples Liberation Front’s mayhem ethnic based rule of 30 yrs ending, the establishment of proper authority and enforcement of orderly government deserve firm support not anti #Eritrea #Ethiopia & #Somalia rhetorics & media attacks #EU #AU #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア
Stereotyping #Eritrea/n people’s deep rooted human centered pride, culture and dignity as Africans by spinning fake news is not correct, not respectful and not constructive too #HRC46 #UNHRC #UNSG #EU #AU #UNSC #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
IT IS TRULY THE ANTITHESIS ERA of those who lead/promoted/supported/sympathized with Tigray’s ethnocentric systems of rule, intentionally or unintentionally, in post Cold War #Ethiopia & our region.TAKE IT! #UNSC #AU #EU #AUC #UNSG #Eritrea #Somalia #Sudan エチオピア エリトリア
🙏 Commemorative postage stamps depicting world heritage sites issued by Oiso Town to honor #Eritrea in #Tokyo2020& the friendship beyond. Oiso Town supported #Eritrea together with Kanagawa Prefecture, Odawara City, Hakone Town & SEISA Group. #UNSC #EU #AU エリトリア エチオピア